Did You Know Beer Can Help You Get Rid of Acne? Here Are Some Cool Benefits of Beer. Cheers!!

Did You Know Beer Can Help You Get Rid of Acne? Here Are Some Cool Benefits of Beer. Cheers!!

Beer and weekends share a special bond. Although it is a crowd pleaser, there is a good news for those also who do not savor the taste much. Because you do dearly love your skin and hair. Right?The ale gives you more reasons than just a refreshing touch from a cold pint... Read More

Can a Smile Help You to Lower Your Blood Pressure?

Can a Smile Help You to Lower Your Blood Pressure?

A smiling face is an integral part of a pleasant personality. Smile is believed to improve your physical and mental well-being! But, does it also help lower the blood pressure? Let us examine here!Smile releases "happy chemicals" in the body A journal published by the ... Read More

Truth or Myth: Size of Your Brain Determines Your Intelligence!

Truth or Myth: Size of Your Brain Determines Your Intelligence!

It is a common belief that people who are more clever and intelligent have larger brains. But when it comes to intelligence, does the size of the brain really matter?Intelligence is a person's ability to solve problems occurring in their natural and social environment t... Read More

Truth or Myth: Babies Who Talk Early or Walk Early Are Brighter !

Truth or Myth: Babies Who Talk Early or Walk Early Are Brighter !

Parents often talk proudly about their baby’s early talking skills or walking ability. It is also natural to think that mastering these skills at an early age indicates that the baby is smarter than his or her peers. But is intelligence really linked with early walkin... Read More

4 Amazing Benefits of Reading Bedtime Stories to Your Baby!

4 Amazing Benefits of Reading Bedtime Stories to Your Baby!

Stories that start with 'Once Upon a Time' and that ends with 'Happily ever after' consciously or sub-consciously have influenced each one of us while growing up. Most of us learned many moral lessons and basic humanity through these stories that are filled with dragons... Read More

Bitten By a Dog? Here are 4 Things You Should Do Immediately!

Bitten By a Dog? Here are 4 Things You Should Do Immediately!

Rabies is a life-threatening viral infection caused by an animal bite. According to World Health Organization, around 60,000 human deaths are reported each year because of rabies. Read here in detail 4 simple steps that one must practice immediately after a dog or any a... Read More

Got Asthma? Try These Simple Tips to Fix the Wheeze!

Got Asthma? Try These Simple Tips to Fix the Wheeze!

Weather changes throughout the year, and if you have asthma, you know how adversely it affects. The change in environment exposes you to allergies and viruses that trigger asthma. While the allergic symptoms can get worse at specific times of the year, adequate inf... Read More

5 Foods That You Should Never Consume On an Empty Stomach

5 Foods That You Should Never Consume On an Empty Stomach

The goal of healthy eating is not just about choosing foods that are good for you. Instead, for maintaining good health – ‘when’ you eat is just as important as ‘what’ you eat! If you are eating all the right foods but at the wrong time, it can do more harm th... Read More

Truth or Myth: Chicken Soup Can Actually Soothe Cold Infection!

Truth or Myth: Chicken Soup Can Actually Soothe Cold Infection!

It is usually said that having a bowl of warm chicken soup can actually soothe cold and cough infection! But then, believers in modern medicine generally don’t take home remedies too seriously. To your surprise, at times, some home remedies can prove their merit ... Read More

Follow These 5 Steps to Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer Disease

Follow These 5 Steps to Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer Disease

Alzheimer Disease (AD) is a condition that irreversibly slows down an individual's memory and thinking and reasoning skills. As the AD progresses, one’s ability to speak and communicate also start diminishing. Fortunately, promising researches from all across the glob... Read More

Truth or Myth: Pulling Out A Gray Hair Increases Gray Hair Growth !

Truth or Myth:  Pulling Out A Gray Hair Increases Gray Hair Growth !

You were about to pluck that first strand of gray when a friend clutched your hand and said, “Stop! Pulling that hair out will cause ten more gray hair to grow”. You got startled and held your hands back! But, do you really think there is a truth in this statement? ... Read More

Truth or Myth: Eating Oily Food Cause Acne Breakout!

Truth or Myth: Eating Oily Food Cause Acne Breakout!

Does the oil on your platter actually reflect as an acne or pimple on your face? Most of us have grown up with this fear that eating oily food can cause acne breakout.  But, is there any truth to this old wives' tale?  Here’s the fact!... Read More

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