Children's Mental Health: Recognize Their Signs of Struggle and Know When Your Child Needs Help

Children's Mental Health: Recognize Their Signs of Struggle and Know When Your Child Needs Help

Mental health is the whole state of well-being of how you think, feel, and behave. It is distressing for adults to deal with mental distress, but do you know that children also suffer from mental illness? Yes! Children often experience ups and downs that impact their em... Read More

7 Tips to Teach Your Toddlers About 'Stranger Danger'(Without Horrifying Them)

7 Tips to Teach Your Toddlers About 'Stranger Danger'(Without Horrifying Them)

Are you a parent who wants your child to stay alert from strangers without creating a buzz around it? If you worry that teaching about stranger danger may give rise to anxiety and distress in your children, then reading through this blog may help. We as adults know that... Read More

Autism: Importance of Routine and Therapies

Autism: Importance of Routine and Therapies

Autism or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that impacts an individual’s behavior, social interaction, and communication with others. It is characterized by certain repetitive behaviors and difficulties with social interaction and communi... Read More

Challenges and Joys of Raising a Child with Down syndrome: Watch Them Blossom and Prosper

Challenges and Joys of Raising a Child with Down syndrome: Watch Them Blossom and Prosper

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by the presence of an additional chromosome. Chromosomes are little "packages" of genes that control the development and growth of a baby's body during pregnancy and after birth. A newborn usually has 46 chromosomes. In ... Read More

Worm Infections in Kids: Know the Causes, Symptoms, and Preventive Tips

Worm Infections in Kids: Know the Causes, Symptoms, and Preventive Tips

Intestinal worms or parasites in your child’s body may sound terrifying, but it is more common a condition than you think. There are plenty of microorganisms that can easily enter your child’s intestine and can cause dreadful health hazards.Read here in detail about... Read More

What Is Conscious Parenting? 5 Things That You Can Do to Become One

What Is Conscious Parenting? 5 Things That You Can Do to Become One

Recently, a movie was released that delved into a complicated father-son relationship. The film portrayed something called 'toxic parenting' wherein the father was never available for his son owing to work commitments, would yell at the child for small mistakes, and pro... Read More

6 Tips to Keep Your Kids Healthy This Winter Season

6 Tips to Keep Your Kids Healthy This Winter Season

Come winter, and we all love the chilly, cold waves of this season. But along with the pleasantness of the weather, there are certain health drawbacks of the winter and fall seasons, such as a higher chance of getting a fever, cold, and cough. These winter ailments part... Read More

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Kids: Things Every Parent Must Know

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Kids: Things Every Parent Must Know

Does your kid often feel difficulty in breathing or do you know any other child who complains about breathlessness while carrying out normal day-to-day activities? Well, then you must know about COPD, a lung disease that causes difficulty in breathing due to long-term a... Read More

Your Unborn Baby May Have a Dilated Pelvis or Kidneys: Know All About Pelviectasis

Your Unborn Baby May Have a Dilated Pelvis or Kidneys: Know All About Pelviectasis

Nowadays, an ultrasound scan is increasingly being used to find congenital anomalies in unborn children at 20th-week-anatomy ultrasound scans. At this time, pelviectasis is one of the commonly found anomalies that show up in almost 1% to 2% of pregnancies. When detected... Read More

Eating Too Much Cheese Might Give Your Kids Constipation! Here's What Science Says

Eating Too Much Cheese Might Give Your Kids Constipation! Here's What Science Says

If you are a parent and your little munchkin loves biting into a pizza slice oozing with cheese or her favorite snack is anything that has cheese in it, then this is a must read for you. With a lip-smacking flavor and huge variety, cheese is commonly touted as kids’ f... Read More

Why Do Newborns Need the Hepatitis B Vaccine?

Why Do Newborns Need the Hepatitis B Vaccine?

After your baby is born, two important factors need utmost priority to ensure that your baby has a healthy life. Firstly, breastfeeding, which offers tremendous amounts of nutrients which inadvertently builds the immune power in your baby to fight against harmful diseas... Read More

Wet Bed Again? Find Out What Is Developmentally 'Normal' for Children, and When to Seek Help!!

Wet Bed Again? Find Out What Is Developmentally 'Normal' for Children, and When to Seek Help!!

Seeing your child take their first step, watching them utter their first word, and attending their school plays are just some of the many joys of parenthood. But this pleasure of witnessing your child’s growth and development also comes with its fair share of health i... Read More

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