What Is Conscious Parenting? 5 Things That You Can Do to Become One

What Is Conscious Parenting? 5 Things That You Can Do to Become One

Recently, a movie was released that delved into a complicated father-son relationship. The film portrayed something called 'toxic parenting' wherein the father was never available for his son owing to work commitments, would yell at the child for small mistakes, and pro... Read More

Alcohol and Cancer: Things You Must Know

Alcohol and Cancer: Things You Must Know

Billions of people worldwide drink alcohol to alter their emotional state. People mostly drink to socialize, lower tension and anxiety, and enjoy feelings of exhilaration, relaxation, and disinhibition. Ethanol (often known as ethyl alcohol) is the type of alcohol that ... Read More

Top 10 Things You Can Do To Beat Obesity and Lose Weight

Top 10 Things You Can Do To Beat Obesity and Lose Weight

While those extra kilograms may not seem to be a big deal, they can cost you much more in the long run. Studies reveal that being obese (having a BMI of 30 or more) raises your risk of developing diseases like hypertension, heart problems, bone and joint diseases, diabe... Read More

Abdominal Migraine: Causes, Symptoms, and Ways to Deal With It

Abdominal Migraine: Causes, Symptoms, and Ways to Deal With It

When we think of migraine, we often imagine recurrent attacks of the headache, but do you know migraine affects the stomach also? Surprised? Yes, we are talking about Abdominal migraine’ that affects the stomach and is one of the common causes of chronic and recurrent... Read More

What is MIND Diet and How it Works to Boost Brain Health?

What is MIND Diet and How it Works to Boost Brain Health?

Does eating a specific food or following a certain diet prevent Alzheimer's disease-related dementia? The answer is yes! Numerous studies have indicated that the aging brain's ability to process thought and memory is influenced by the foods we eat. This blog contains al... Read More

Do Opposites Attract ? Read What Studies Say About Relationship Compatibility

Do Opposites Attract ? Read What Studies Say About Relationship Compatibility

We have heard from our friends and family that opposites attract. We have heard it so often that it almost seems like the truth. But is it so? Well, research says that apparently, we aren’t exactly most compatible with people who are our opposite. We are most attracte... Read More

How Freezing Winter Weather Increases the Risk of Heart Attack?

How Freezing Winter Weather Increases the Risk of Heart Attack?

Cold weather makes the heart work harder to keep the body warm, and as a result, your heart rate and blood pressure tend to increase during winter months. These changes can cause heart problems like a heart attack, especially if someone already has a diagnosed heart con... Read More

Know 5 Facts About People with Disabilities and Learn Ways to Be More Inclusive

Know 5 Facts About People with Disabilities and Learn Ways to Be More Inclusive

Disabled people are the world’s largest minority as disability transcends across gender, geography, religion, race, color, and other such boundaries. Disability is a multifaceted, intricate problem that can encompass physical, cognitive, and psychological impairments.... Read More

10 Skin-Care Resolutions Dermatologists Want You to Make in 2024

10 Skin-Care Resolutions Dermatologists Want You to Make in 2024

Skin is the largest organ in our body. It serves as our initial line of protection against allergens and irritants, so it's vital to keep our skin healthy. Our skin is designed to naturally shed dead cells every 28 days. You can help remove these dead cells and keep you... Read More

Shingles: Things That You Must Know

Shingles: Things That You Must Know

Most of us have had chicken pox as kids. It is one of the most common childhood infectious diseases. Are you aware that the same varicella-zoster virus (VZV) that causes chickenpox also causes another rather painful disease? The ailment is called shingles, also known as... Read More

Stroke: Risk Factors, Warning Signs, And Things You Can Do To Prevent a Stroke

Stroke: Risk Factors, Warning Signs, And Things You Can Do To Prevent a Stroke

Stroke is the second most common cause of death around the world and a severe cause of lifelong disability in many cases. When the blood flow to your brain is stopped, it results in a stroke or brain attack. Recognizing its risk factors and early warning signs can help ... Read More

Why is Constipation More Prevalent in Winter and How to Deal With It?

Why is Constipation More Prevalent in Winter and How to Deal With It?

Having a regular and smooth bowel movement is a critical part of digesting the food we eat. The large intestine produces stool, which is the body's method of eliminating waste. However, when an infrequent bowel movement occurs it leads to constipation. When there are le... Read More

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