4 Hand Gestures or Mudras That Can Help to Heal Thyroid

4 Hand Gestures or Mudras That Can Help to Heal Thyroid

According to Ayurveda, the human body comprises five elements (Panchabhutas) to maintain the flow of life. The elements are Fire, Air, Space, Earth, and Water. Our bodies typically have a perfect balance of these components. However, if any of the element is out of bala... Read More

Can Ovarian Cysts Affect Your Chances of Getting Pregnant? Know the Facts

Can Ovarian Cysts Affect Your Chances of Getting Pregnant? Know the Facts

In ovulating women, ovarian cysts are highly prevalent, but most women won’t even know. Relatively, ovarian cysts are harmless and are a natural part of your reproductive cycle. However, in certain cases, the cyst may indicate an underlying problem that makes concepti... Read More

5 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Primary Care Provider/Physician

5 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Primary Care Provider/Physician

A primary care physician (PCP) is a healthcare service provider who practices general medicine and is trained to prevent, diagnose, and treat an array of illnesses and injuries. These medical professionals are said to be the first point of contact in your healthcare nee... Read More

Identify 4 Common Factors That Can Delay Your Menstruation Cycle

Identify 4 Common Factors That Can Delay Your Menstruation Cycle

Having regular periods on the same date with a similar flow, each month, right around 28 days is a good indicator of your reproductive health. However, if you experience a delay in your each period cycle or any unusual symptoms, then it’s a matter of concern that need... Read More

5 Common Postpartum Mental Health Problems and Solutions to Fix Them

5 Common Postpartum Mental Health Problems and Solutions to Fix Them

You have just delivered your bundle of joy. People around you are exuberant. You and your baby are getting showered with blessings, love, and gifts. The atmosphere is that of cheerfulness and celebration. Looking at your baby, it suddenly hits you – Aww! I feel no hap... Read More

Irregular Periods? It Can Be A Sign Of Thyroid Dysfunction

Irregular Periods? It Can Be A Sign Of Thyroid Dysfunction

Getting regular periods is a healthy trait for every woman. If you notice your periods getting irregular for the last many months, and you are unsure of any reason; maybe, your thyroid is the culprit. Yes! You read it right. Since thyroid hormones regulate the metabolis... Read More

Role Of Online Health Consultation in Primary Patient Care

Role Of Online Health Consultation in Primary Patient Care

Since the first wave of COVID, people’s outlook on many aspects especially health has been drastically transformed making them extra cautious and apprehensive over health issues. Undeniably, the curve for health concerns also shows an increase over the last three year... Read More

Doctors and Burnout! Easy Ways For Experts to Tackle Their Work-related Stress

Doctors and Burnout! Easy Ways For Experts to Tackle Their Work-related Stress

A doctor's job is anything but easy. In their profession, they face unique situations that cause them immense stress, which in turn leads to depression and burnout in the healers themselves. Being in one of the most demanding and stressful jobs comes with its share of d... Read More

Blocked, Painful Sinus? Try These 7 Home Remedies Today

Blocked, Painful Sinus? Try These 7 Home Remedies Today

Are you troubled with a stuffy nose, clogged head, and blocked ears? This could be due to chronic or acute sinusitis. Sinusitis is the swelling of the tissues lining the sinuses. Some common causes of this uncomfortable swelling and congestion are colds, allergies, chan... Read More

What Is Bacterial Vaginosis And Its STD Connection: Know The Facts.

What Is Bacterial Vaginosis And Its STD Connection: Know The Facts.

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is a vaginal inflammatory condition that occurs due to an imbalance in normal flora (microbes) in the vaginal tract resulting in vaginal discharge with a fish-like odor. It is caused because of the overgrowth of harmful bacteria like Gardnerella... Read More

How To Deal With The Anxiety Of Your Preteens and Teenager?

How To Deal With The Anxiety Of Your  Preteens and Teenager?

Anxiety represents a natural emotion of excitement, nervousness, fear, anger, dread, stress, or sometimes even panic. Being anxious at some moments is not unusual for any of us. However, coping with an adolescent‘s persistent anxiety is certainly not child’s play. I... Read More

Stomach Sickness in Summer Season? Here are the 7 Tips to Deal With it!

Stomach Sickness in Summer Season? Here are the 7 Tips to Deal With it!

The arrival of the summer season could be scary for most people, as it fetches a lot of health issues, especially for those living in, or close to tropical regions. Heat stroke, abdominal pain, diarrhea, acidity, and heartburn are a few concerns that are allied with the... Read More

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