5 Kitchen Herbs That Help To Heal The Joint Pain
The place where bones meet is called a joint. The joints facilitate the movement of the bones. Knees, hips, shoulders, and elbows are examples of joints. Discomfort, soreness, and aches are referred to as joint pains. When you have joint pain, the joint get swollen, red, tender or warm on touch and the pain continues for 3 or more days. You may suffer from fever also. In severe cases, the joint may become completely immobile. It’s scary, isn't it? But do not worry, as our kitchen holds multiple solutions for these joint pains. Yes, you read it right!
Let's know in detail how we can manage the pain at home and also find out 5 healing herbs that come straight from your kitchen. Read on.
What can we do to manage joint pains at home?

Most of the joint pains are chronic in nature and difficult to cure. However, there are multiple ways which can help you manage joint pains:
- Staying physically active Following a routine of exercises
- Regular stretching
- Keeping a check on the body weight through well-managed diet
- Taking sufficient rest
- Taking a warm water bath or getting a massage
You may also consider applying some topical ointment or oil for pain relief or taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, commonly known as painkillers. For accurate assessment of your condition and choosing the correct treatment drug, you can speak with a Rheumatologist.
5 kitchen herbs that help to heal the joint pain

Did you know that? For mild to moderate our kitchen contains many herbs that can help relieve joint pains. These herbs provide a natural and healthy alternative to painkillers. These natural herbs have been a part of Ayurveda and have played a significant role in the prevention and treatment of several diseases since ancient times. Some of the common herbs that help in preventing and relieving joint pains are:
#1. Ginger

Ginger is well-known for its remarkable antiseptic properties that help in reducing joint pain and associated swelling. Multiple animals and human studies have confirmed that ginger has pain relieving properties. Ginger extract is very effective in the treatment of arthritic joint pains and is very commonly recommended by the Ayurveda specialist.
#2. Turmeric

Turmeric, like ginger, has multiple uses. Curcumin and curcuminoids, natural compounds present in turmeric have demonstrated anti-inflammatory activity leading to their efficacy in joint pains. Due to this anti-inflammatory activity, turmeric is also used for the treatment of cancer and cataract.
#3. Garlic

Garlic is another herb commonly found in your kitchen. Garlic extract has anti-inflammatory properties and it is found to be very effective especially if the cause of joint pains is arthritis. As garlic can also fight against certain bacteria, joint pains due to certain infections also respond to it. Studies have demonstrated that garlic reduces the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
#4.Carom seeds

Carom seeds, commonly known as “Ajwain” in Hindi, have both anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties that help in reducing joint pains. Drinking carom seed water or soaking your painful joints in a tub of hot water containing a spoonful of carom seeds for 5-10 minutes once or twice daily helps to reduce joint pains and swelling. Crushing the seeds to make a paste and applying on the affected joint has also been found to be useful.
#5. Liquorice

Liquorice is another herb commonly available in our kitchen. Licorice decreases inflammation through a reduction in free radicals at the site of inflammation. The active ingredient of liquorice is called glycyrrhizin. Patients suffering from hypertension should consult their physician before using it as licorice may increase blood pressure in high doses.
Our kitchen offers us multiple handy solutions for our routine health problems. There are several kitchen herbs that have proven efficacy in reducing inflammation and related joint pains. The herbs mentioned above are worth a try to keep the nasty joint pains away. However, in the case of acute pain or inadequate response, you must consult your physician.
For more information of Ayurvedic remedies for your aching joints, you can consult an online Ayuveda Specialist right now!
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