5 Herbs That Help Manage Diabetes Naturally

5 Herbs That Help Manage Diabetes Naturally

Diabetes, known as a silent killer, is a chronic disease that mostly occurs due to genetic and sedentary lifestyle factors. Once diagnosed, patients with diabetes have to take anti-diabetic prescription medicines for their entire life. Although it is very difficult to s... Read More

7 Lifestyle Choices to Reduce Your Risk for Breast Cancer

7 Lifestyle Choices to Reduce Your Risk for Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women. Many factors contribute to the development of breast cancer. These include risk factors that are genetic, related to aging or being a woman, and others related to one’s lifestyle. Lifestyle factors include... Read More

Why Do Newborns Need the Hepatitis B Vaccine?

Why Do Newborns Need the Hepatitis B Vaccine?

After your baby is born, two important factors need utmost priority to ensure that your baby has a healthy life. Firstly, breastfeeding, which offers tremendous amounts of nutrients which inadvertently builds the immune power in your baby to fight against harmful diseas... Read More

6 Ways You Can Go Green and Choose To Live a Healthy Living

6 Ways You Can Go Green and Choose To Live a Healthy Living

Along with many developments in science and technology, we millennials have also witnessed a huge increase in the use of chemicals in our daily lives, today. By going green and adopting an eco-friendly, organic lifestyle mindfully you will not only choose to save yourse... Read More

Borderline Personality Disorder Affects Relationship: Here's How

Borderline Personality Disorder Affects Relationship: Here's How

Borderline Personality Disorder or BPD is a condition in which people have difficulties regulating their emotions and behavior. The disorder is marked by an ongoing pattern of varying moods, self-image, and behavior. BPD affects the way a person thinks, feels, and behav... Read More

Can Papaya Leaf Juice Help Cure Dengue Fever? Here's What Science Says!

Can Papaya Leaf Juice Help Cure Dengue Fever? Here's What Science Says!

The long-awaited monsoon rains have finally arrived. While nothing can match up to the exhilaration monsoon rains bring, the season can sometimes be a nuisance too. With the monsoon rains come stagnant rainwater, inadequate drainage, and mosquitoes. As a result, this is... Read More

Easy and Effective Home Remedies to Treat Common Monsoon Diseases

Easy and Effective Home Remedies to Treat Common Monsoon Diseases

When monsoon knocks at the door it brings much relief from the scorching heat. However, it also welcomes a multitude of health problems with it. Cold, viral fever, allergies, asthma, dandruff and many more illnesses begin to affect us. Fortunately, there is a lot of Ayu... Read More

What Ayurveda Suggests For Treating Facial Scars?

What Ayurveda Suggests For Treating Facial Scars?

When it comes to skin care, Ayurveda believes in holistic healing process. This is why it provides entire process from topical herbal treatments to suggestions for lifestyle changes, so as to ensure your skin gets healthy and flawless, from inside-out.Here in this write... Read More

9 Easy Tweaks to Take Care of Sensitive Skin This Monsoon

9 Easy Tweaks to Take Care of Sensitive Skin This Monsoon

After long, dry, and hot summer waves when the first sign of rain comes, it feels like a breath of fresh air. But as this transition from summer to monsoon continues, our skin gets exposed to higher moisture levels in the air, warmer temperatures, and humid atmospheres.... Read More

All You Need to Know About Core Body Temperature

All You Need to Know About Core Body Temperature

Our body temperature is one of the most vital indicators of our health. It is why checking temperature is an essential part of our routine health-check – done at all the health care centers, and we too do it at home when not feeling well. Still, you would be surprised... Read More

5 Ways to Help Elderly Parents Understand the Importance of Social Distancing during COVID-19

5 Ways to Help Elderly Parents Understand the Importance of Social Distancing during COVID-19

Making old people understand the importance of social distancing and frequent hand washing or about other hygiene maintenance during the COVID-19 pandemic would be very difficult for some of us. We should always make sure that old people are getting correct, science-bas... Read More

Cold Water vs. Warm Water - Which One is Harmful to Your Health?

Cold Water vs. Warm Water - Which One is Harmful to Your Health?

We all know that drinking enough water throughout the day is an essential factor to stay healthy. But, did you know that drinking water in proper quantity and at a proper temperature is very important in order to reap the benefit it provides? Take a look here at some of... Read More

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