Hypercalcemia: What To Do When Your Body's Calcium Level Gets Too High

Hypercalcemia: What To Do When Your Body's Calcium Level Gets Too High

We all know that calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth. This is why it is always advised to keep a regular check on our daily intake of calcium. But, did you know that as low a calcium level causes harm to your body - so does a high calcium level? You read it ... Read More

Your Unborn Baby May Have a Dilated Pelvis or Kidneys: Know All About Pelviectasis

Your Unborn Baby May Have a Dilated Pelvis or Kidneys: Know All About Pelviectasis

Nowadays, an ultrasound scan is increasingly being used to find congenital anomalies in unborn children at 20th-week-anatomy ultrasound scans. At this time, pelviectasis is one of the commonly found anomalies that show up in almost 1% to 2% of pregnancies. When detected... Read More

Why Do You Need Fiber in Your Daily Diet?

Why Do You Need Fiber in Your Daily Diet?

Anyone who knows a thing or two about a healthy and nutritious diet identifies dietary fiber as the best source to prevent constipation. However, fiber can do much more than ensure regular bowel movements. Here is a closer look at this brilliant food component that make... Read More

3 Steps to Optimize Your Metabolism Naturally This New Year

3 Steps to Optimize Your Metabolism Naturally This New Year

As the New Year 2023 begins, many consider it a good time to think about creating new resolutions, in other words, lifestyle changes, and how we can bring into our lives new healthy habits to get healthier and fitter than before.Whenever a person tries to learn about he... Read More

4 Types of Thermometers, Their Accuracy, and How to Use Them

4 Types of Thermometers, Their Accuracy, and How to Use Them

If someone has a fever, the availability of a reliable thermometer at home becomes incredibly helpful, as it gives you much-needed information about the next important steps for their care. Earlier, the most commonly used thermometers were mercury thermometers, the ones... Read More

How to Stay Calm and Level-headed through Thick and Thin of Life!

How to Stay Calm and Level-headed through Thick and Thin of Life!

With growing competition everywhere and incessant changes in life, ‘tension’ has become one of the most commonly addressed subjects of concern. Research has shown that mental health issues like depression, anxiety, behavior problems, insomnia, drug addiction, and ps... Read More

7 Steps to Strengthen Your Immune System in Cold Season

7 Steps to Strengthen Your Immune System in Cold Season

It is all well known that there is seasonal variation for incidence and prevalence of infections. Winter is one season where infection rates tend to become relatively higher. This happens due to cold weather, pollen dust, decreased humidity in the air etc. When temperat... Read More

Know 6 Common Skin Complications That Happen Due To Diabetes

Know 6 Common Skin Complications That Happen Due To Diabetes

Diabetes, one of the fastest-growing chronic diseases, affects many parts of our body, including the skin. In fact, certain changes in your skin can sometimes be the first indicator that you have diabetes. Keep reading to know about 6 skin conditions that mostly af... Read More

Recognize Water Retention and Lose Water Weight With These Simple Steps!

Recognize Water Retention and Lose Water Weight With These Simple Steps!

Almost 60% of our body is made up of water. The much needed water content is vital for processes, metabolism, regulating functions of vital organs such as brain, skin, lungs, muscles, kidneys and more. Excess amount of water may sometimes accumulate inside our body, and... Read More

Increase Your Bone Density Naturally, Using These 8 Simple Tips

Increase Your Bone Density Naturally, Using These 8 Simple Tips

Bones are made up of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, which are present in certain amounts. The measurement of these bone minerals is called the bone density test. This test helps us to find out if the bone is normal in strength or osteoporotic. It can also pred... Read More

6 Medicines That Are Mostly Prescribed After Surgery and Their Role in Your Healthcare

6 Medicines That Are Mostly Prescribed After Surgery and Their Role in Your Healthcare

Have you ever wondered why so many medicines are given after surgery? Nowadays it has become quite common for people to undergo surgeries for relief from medical issues. The surgery may be a minor or a major one, depending on the type of surgery and other factors. To he... Read More

Know the Dangers of Mixing Prescription Medication with Alcohol

Know the Dangers of Mixing Prescription Medication with Alcohol

Millions of people across the world indulge in alcohol while being on medication, without knowing the fact that alcohol interacts adversely with some medicines. Depending on what medication (prescribed or over-the-counter) you’re taking, drinking alcohol with it ... Read More

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