Decoding the Difference Between Plasma, Platelet, & Blood Donation

Decoding the Difference Between Plasma, Platelet, & Blood Donation

Every year, millions of individuals require blood transfusions. A blood transfusion may be required during surgery, following an injury, in severely anemic individuals or who have dangerously low platelet counts because of certain medical conditions (bleeding disorders)... Read More

All About Diabetes

All About Diabetes

Although managing diabetes may seem overwhelming for the millions affected worldwide, embracing the correct approach enables the way for a healthy lifestyle. Within this blog post, we've explored the fundamental aspects of diabetes management, providing references to re... Read More

5 Must-Try Summer Delights to Beat the Heat

 5 Must-Try Summer Delights to Beat the Heat

We all know summer comes with heat waves, humidity, and drastic temperature rise, thereby bringing with it a plethora of health issues such as heatstroke, dehydration, heat cramps, fever, headache, dizziness, and weakness. A simple solution to keep yourself safeguarded ... Read More

Does Skipping Meals Help to Lose Weight? Find the Facts!

Does Skipping Meals Help to Lose Weight? Find the Facts!

Skipping a meal means lesser calorie intake. Since losing weight is all about creating a calorie deficit in the body, skipping meals restricts calorie intake and forces the body to use stored energy reserves. While on a weight loss regime, this will bring about quick we... Read More

How To Protect Children from Tobacco Exposure?

How To Protect Children from Tobacco Exposure?

Secondhand smoke, commonly referred to as environmental tobacco smoke, is the smoke exhaled by smokers from the burning tips of cigars, pipes, and cigarettes. There are over 4,000 compounds in it. Over fifty of these chemicals have been linked to cancer, making many of ... Read More

Children's Mental Health: Recognize Their Signs of Struggle and Know When Your Child Needs Help

Children's Mental Health: Recognize Their Signs of Struggle and Know When Your Child Needs Help

Mental health is the whole state of well-being of how you think, feel, and behave. It is distressing for adults to deal with mental distress, but do you know that children also suffer from mental illness? Yes! Children often experience ups and downs that impact their em... Read More

Beetroot: A Boon to Your Heart, Gut, and Brain Health

Beetroot: A Boon to Your Heart, Gut, and Brain Health

A fond childhood memory for most of us is our mothers coaxing us to eat beetroot. She would then go on to state its numerous benefits and how it makes our blood red. She would devise new ways to feed us beetroot in the form of flatbreads (parathas), pancakes (cheela), j... Read More

Chia Seeds or Flaxseeds: Which Is Better?

Chia Seeds or Flaxseeds: Which Is Better?

When it comes to including healthy food choices in your diet, both chia and flax seeds are highly versatile and simple to include in your meal. These two nutritious powerhouses can be a common addition to cereals, salad dressings, dairy, and smoothies due to their vario... Read More

Decoding the Link Between Climatic Change and Increasing Incidences of Malaria

Decoding the Link Between Climatic Change and Increasing Incidences of Malaria

Mosquitoes are more than just annoying nuisances that cause summertime insomnia. These small insects can transmit dangerous diseases such as malaria, dengue, and chicken guinea. Among these malaria is the most common one, which kills over a million people annually. The ... Read More

Yes! Common Cold Can Cause Hearing Loss. Learn Ways to Reverse it

Yes! Common Cold Can Cause Hearing Loss. Learn Ways to Reverse it

An infection of the upper respiratory tract, including the nose, throat, nasal passages, and larynx is commonly known as a cold. Common colds can cause nasal or sinus congestion, which can make your nose feel stuffy. Do you know that the cold can sometimes be the cause ... Read More

Why New Moles Suddenly Appear and When To Worry?

Why New Moles Suddenly Appear and When To Worry?

Moles are nothing but a cluster of pigment cells. Almost every adult has common moles and you may have a few extras if your skin is fair. Moles may appear as flesh-colored bumps or small marks on the skin in varied colors, shapes, and sizes. A typical mole can have... Read More

Know the Benefits of Lentil Water: An Ayurvedic Formula for Optimal Health

Know the Benefits of Lentil Water: An Ayurvedic Formula for Optimal Health

Whether you love it or hate it, you can’t imagine a meal without a bowl of lentils (dal) especially in your growing years if you’re of Indian origin. From the humble green lentil (moong), red lentil (masoor), split pigeon pea (toor), and split chickpeas (chana dal) ... Read More

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