Yes! Common Cold Can Cause Hearing Loss. Learn Ways to Reverse it

Yes! Common Cold Can Cause Hearing Loss. Learn Ways to Reverse it

An infection of the upper respiratory tract, including the nose, throat, nasal passages, and larynx is commonly known as a cold. Common colds can cause nasal or sinus congestion, which can make your nose feel stuffy. Do you know that the cold can sometimes be the cause ... Read More

Clogged Ears With Muffled Hearing? Know About Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

Clogged Ears With Muffled Hearing? Know About Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

When your ear gets plugged with fluid, the sounds you hear may be muffled and your ear may feel full or painful – most of the time. This discomfort in ear occurs due to some dysfunction in the Eustachian tube - a narrow tube or passageway that connects the back of our... Read More

Is It Dangerous Listen to Loud Music or Noise During Pregnancy

Is It Dangerous Listen to Loud Music or Noise During Pregnancy

Listening to good music or soft numbers during pregnancy is indeed very soothing to the mental and physical well-being of a would-be mommy and her baby! But, if you raise the pitch of the same music to high frequency, it can turn annoying and can even have a detrimental... Read More

Are You Troubled With Earwax Build-up? Follow these Dos' and Don'ts to Get Relief!

Are You Troubled With Earwax Build-up? Follow these Dos' and Don'ts to Get Relief!

Feeling congestion in your ears?  Is it also accompanied by itching and pain? And you have difficulty in hearing? Maybe you have build-up earwax in the ear canal that is causing the discomfort!  Follow these scientifically proven Do’s and Don’ts to remove ... Read More

Truth or Myth: Brief Exposure to Loud Music Can Cause Hearing Loss!

Truth or Myth: Brief Exposure to Loud Music Can Cause Hearing Loss!

Does music act as your drug and you sincerely believe in turning up the volume, closing your eyes, and letting the music take over your soul? If you said 'yes', then you might have also come across some free advice on not listening to loud music. The constant advic... Read More

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