Know All About Pancreatic Cancer

Know All About Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer occurs within the tissues of the pancreas. To know all about pancreatic cancer, let us understand the anatomy of the organ, pancreas. It is 6” to 10” elongated glandular organ located in your upper left abdomen, right behind your stomach. The pancr... Read More

Here's How Diabetes Can Affect Your Sex Life

Here's How Diabetes Can Affect Your Sex Life

Do you know that diabetes is responsible for several health issues including sexual difficulties in both, men and women? Knowing how your blood sugar level can affect your sex life will motivate you to keep a close watch on how your diabetes is progressing. Here ar... Read More

How Does Chronic Stress Affect Your Eye Sight?

How Does Chronic Stress Affect Your Eye Sight?

Anything that disturbs your body's natural homeostasis creates a response in the body. Natural reactions like stress can be either physical, emotional, mental, visual, or a combination of all of these. Any stress for a long period of time develops series of chemical rea... Read More

Yoga Asanas for Better Balance and Fall Prevention in the Elderly

Yoga Asanas for Better Balance and Fall Prevention in the Elderly

As we age, balancing becomes more difficult. This is accompanied by a greater risk of osteoporotic fractures and a fear of falling. For this reason, it's crucial to include balancing poses in your training regimen. Asanas (postures) and breathing techniques are used in ... Read More

Clogged Ears With Muffled Hearing? Know About Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

Clogged Ears With Muffled Hearing? Know About Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

When your ear gets plugged with fluid, the sounds you hear may be muffled and your ear may feel full or painful – most of the time. This discomfort in ear occurs due to some dysfunction in the Eustachian tube - a narrow tube or passageway that connects the back of our... Read More

Everything You Need To Know About Lymphoma

Everything You Need To Know About Lymphoma

Lymphoma, in general terms, refers to the type of cancer that develops in the lymphatic system. It is the most common type of blood cancer that starts in our lymphocyte, a type of white blood cell that is part of our immune system (germ-fighting work). Read the blo... Read More

All You Need to Know About Glaucoma

All You Need to Know About Glaucoma

Glaucoma is an eye condition that damages the nerve connecting the eye to the brain called optic nerve. Imagine an optic nerve like a data cable that emerges from the back of your eyes and carries visual signals to your brain. When this optic nerve is damaged by glaucom... Read More

5 Tips to Help Overcome the Loneliness of Your Aging Parents

5 Tips to Help Overcome the Loneliness of Your Aging Parents

Aging is a reality of life that no one can escape. It can be overwhelming to see our parents struggle with ailments associated with old age. Still we fail to do much help as we cannot do anything about certain many medical consequences. However, there are a few things t... Read More

Slow Metabolism: What Does It Mean and How to Improve It?

Slow Metabolism: What Does It Mean and How to Improve It?

The term "metabolism" refers to the chemical processes that take place inside each cell of the body and supply the organism with energy. It works round-the-clock to keep your body active, even while you're resting or sleeping. It turns the food and nutrients you eat int... Read More

6 Myths About Pregnancy That You Must Stop Believing Right Away!

6 Myths About Pregnancy That You Must Stop Believing Right Away!

Motherhood is blissful, and so is pregnancy – the feeling of growing a new life inside you. It is common to experience a wide range of emotions during pregnancy as it marks the beginning of a new phase of life and brings significant physical and emotional changes, for... Read More

Can Drinking Coffee Prevent Kidney Disease: Get the Facts!

Can Drinking Coffee Prevent Kidney Disease: Get the Facts!

With café culture gaining popularity in cities, coffee has attained cult status among young and old alike, making it one of the most favored beverages. Originally from Ethiopia, coffee has become a world-famous brew and is known for its stimulating effects as well as s... Read More

Is It Just an Abdominal Pain or Gallstones Pain?

Is It Just an Abdominal Pain or Gallstones Pain?

For most of us, the feeling of uneasiness and cramps in the stomach with abdominal pain is something totally relatable. And, in most cases, it is usually some intestinal infection, indigestion, or overindulgence in food and drinks that leads to such abdominal pain. None... Read More

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