How to Identify and Manage a Sciatica Pain

How to Identify and Manage a Sciatica Pain

Do you feel a sudden pulsating pain in your lower back that radiates to your thigh and down to the ankle? Is it also accompanied by numbness or weakness in your leg that makes it difficult to walk? And, you’re wondering what’s going on? Your Sciatica Nerve may be th... Read More

Bitten by a Dog: Know All About First-Aid Home Care Tips

Bitten by a Dog: Know All About First-Aid Home Care Tips

Getting bitten by a dog is an unpleasant feeling that leaves you shaken and instills a fear of the animal for your whole life. Not only this, if you’ve been bitten by an unvaccinated dog and it is left unattended then it might lead to serious infections or rabies, and... Read More

Does the KETO Diet Show Promising Results in Managing Type 2 Diabetes?

Does the KETO Diet Show Promising Results in Managing Type 2 Diabetes?

Lifestyle modification is the cornerstone of diabetes management. Regular exercise, and adequate nutrition, in combination with drug therapy, if required, can significantly improve long-term outcomes. There are several eating patterns or diets that may work for a diabet... Read More

Difference Between Viral and Bacterial Gastroenteritis

Difference Between Viral and Bacterial Gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis or stomach flu is the diarrheal infection and inflammation of the digestive system involving your stomach and intestines. Gastroenteritis might be either viral or bacterial in origin, depending on the cause. Here in this blog, our expert has jotted ... Read More

6 Steps You Can Take To Protect Your Brain

6 Steps You Can Take To Protect Your Brain

Everyone occasionally has periods of forgetfulness like being unable to find home keys or forgetting your grocery list, especially when life becomes hectic. Even while this may be quite natural, having trouble remembering things might be annoying. Also, it can become di... Read More

Troubled With Joint Pain Due to Hypothyroidism? Try These Steps to Get Relief!

Troubled With Joint Pain Due to Hypothyroidism? Try These Steps to Get Relief!

The thyroid gland is a 2-inch butterfly-shaped gland situated at the base of your neck that controls the way your body uses energy for day-to-day functions. Simple enough! But, do you know what changes take place in your body when the activity of this gland slows down a... Read More

Sticking to a Regular Sleep Schedule Matters! Here's Why?

Sticking to a Regular Sleep Schedule Matters! Here's Why?

“The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night's sleep.” – E. Joseph Cossman.Sleep is vital for our health just like a healthy diet and exercise. Good sleep revitalizes our body and mind and aids cognitive and behavioral functions. Adequate sleep also s... Read More

7 Natural DIY Masks to Scavenge Your Under-Eye Wrinkles

7 Natural DIY Masks to Scavenge Your Under-Eye Wrinkles

Have you wondered why the skin around your eyes shows signs of aging first? Well, the skin around our eyes is very thin. Regular squinting and smiling lead to the early development of wrinkles. Since the skin around the eyes is sensitive and delicate it is recommended t... Read More

6 Healthy Eating Tips - Exclusively Designed for 9 to 5 Sitting-Job Professionals

6 Healthy Eating Tips - Exclusively Designed for 9 to 5 Sitting-Job Professionals

Eating at desks may look convenient to the ever-busy professional in you; however, more often than not, it means mindless eating. A 9 to 5 sitting job exposes you to a number of health hazards including heart disease, obesity, increased blood pressure, anxiety, and much... Read More

7 Functional Remedies to Tackle Eye Infections And Flu During The Monsoon Season

7 Functional Remedies to Tackle Eye Infections And Flu During The Monsoon Season

The pitter-patter of raindrops fills hearts with delight for most people. Rain splash brings zeal to have fun with our loved ones, craving to eat delicious food, and desire to go for long drives to enjoy pleasant weather. Still, unfortunately, the rainy season is associ... Read More

Smoking in Pregnancy Raises Risk of Birth Defects: What, Why, and How?

Smoking in Pregnancy Raises Risk of Birth Defects: What, Why, and How?

Smoking during pregnancy can have detrimental effects on the fetus that may not only result in developmental complications but can also have life-long consequences for your baby. Tobacco smoke contains more than 7,000 toxic chemicals. Nicotine and other harmful substanc... Read More

Common Monsoon illnesses That Affect Children and Tips to Prevent Them

Common Monsoon illnesses That Affect Children and Tips to Prevent Them

For most of us, the monsoon season brings joy in the form of piping hot tea, mouth-watering pakoras, and pleasant weather after the scorching hot summer season. But, such is not the case for 36-year-old Neha, a lecturer by profession. Neha dreads the monsoon season. Bri... Read More

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