Are You Suffering from OTC Drug Abuse?

Are You Suffering from OTC Drug Abuse?

Jean is a working mother battling diabetes. She is always on her toes catering to the needs of her two children and husband. Since she gets little time to herself, she doesn’t think twice before popping up an aspirin for her persistent headaches.Nothing seems unusual ... Read More

5 Essential Oils To Help Keep Mosquitoes Away This Summer

5 Essential Oils To Help Keep Mosquitoes Away This Summer

Mosquitoes are a perpetual problem. They become acute especially during the warm summer months, giving a cue to deadly diseases like malaria, dengue, and chikungunya.  So, it is important to stay protected against these blood-sucking bugs. If you’re wary of using... Read More

How to Satisfy Your Hunger Pangs At Work?

How to Satisfy Your Hunger Pangs At Work?

Everyone loves snacking! The lip-smacking, fat-loaded appetizers curb our hunger pangs between the meals at work. But is it not difficult to avoid these calorie-laden snacks when seated at the workstation for long hours? You don’t have to compromise with your wil... Read More

Do Not Ignore That Strand of Gray Hair !!

Do Not Ignore That Strand of Gray Hair !!

Amanda, who is just in her teens, was shockingly taken aback the day she found two strands of gray hair protruding from her scalp. But, she isn't alone! Premature or early graying is a cause for worry in many youngsters throughout the world. Hair becomes gray when ... Read More

Addicted to Overeating? Here Are 7 Tips to Help You Overcome It

Addicted to Overeating? Here Are 7 Tips to Help You Overcome It

A stomach stuffed with food and a heart full of guilt − does that sound too familiar? If yes, you are one of those many people who tend to overeat frequently. While occasional overeating might be quite harmless for someone who has a healthy weight and overall good eat... Read More

6 Tips to Avoid Neck Pain at Office

6 Tips to Avoid Neck Pain at Office

Does your neck hurt quite often? Maybe it’s due to an on-going habit of bad posture amongst the working professionals these days. A poor sitting style or an uneven placement of the screens, be it a computer/laptop, television, or spending long hours on mobile phone ca... Read More

5 Ways to Initiate a Conversation About Sex With Your Partner

5 Ways to Initiate a Conversation About Sex With Your Partner

As time flows and relationships mature, sex tends to lose novelty. There is a lot to be said and heard. But, communicating effectively around sex and intimacy often feels difficult. Isn’t it? Read here some ground rules for initiating a meaningful and satisfying ... Read More

7 Things Every Woman Should Know About Her Health

7 Things Every Woman Should Know About Her Health

Women are unique, and so are their health concerns. Various health issues affect millions of women each year. Let us look here at some health facts that every woman should know, and tips that can help them lead a healthier life. Read on...1. You don’t need a perfect f... Read More

Trouble Falling Asleep? Here are 6 Simple Habits One Can Follow to Sleep Peacefully

Trouble Falling Asleep? Here are 6 Simple Habits One Can Follow to Sleep Peacefully

A good night sleep is extremely important for our mental and physical wellbeing. But at times, most of us get into a situation where falling asleep becomes really difficult. Read here 6 simple habits that will help you get a good night sleep. Stick to a scheduleGoi... Read More

4 Simple Yet Effective Home Remedies That Every Parent Should Know

4 Simple Yet Effective Home Remedies That Every Parent Should Know

Do you rush to your doctor immediately at the sight of your toddler coughing and sneezing? Not always, right? As a word of caution, it is always better to cut down on harsh drugs as medicines for normal childhood illnesses such as cold, cough, nausea, motions, or even m... Read More

Truth or Myth: Heart Attack Causes a Typical Left-sided Chest Pain

Truth or Myth: Heart Attack Causes a Typical Left-sided Chest Pain

The portrayal of a heart attack in popular media typically involves a middle-aged to an elderly man squeezing the left side of his chest and people around him instantly knowing that it’s a heart attack. Unfortunately, this picture is grossly misleading.Heart attack sy... Read More

Lose Weight With Stretching and Walking

Lose Weight With Stretching and Walking

When it comes to exercising for weight loss, the focus is mostly on aerobic exercises and strength training. But stretching and walking can not only add variety to your exercise schedule but also speed up the disappearance of all that extra weight you have been trying t... Read More

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