What Causes Migraine and Tips to Avoid the Triggers

What Causes Migraine and Tips to Avoid the Triggers

Migraine is not like a typical headache. During a migraine attack, one may experience erratic pain on one side or both the sides of his/her head and can last from 4 - 72 hours or more, if left unattended. It can also trigger the tendency of nausea, vomiting, sensitivity... Read More

Here's What You Need To Know About Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Here's What You Need To Know About Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

31-years-old Kay is happily married to her husband for 5 years now but she has not able to conceive even after repeated tries. Maria, on the other hand, is tired of plucking her ever-growing facial hair on a regular basis. Rashmi misses her school often because she expe... Read More

Why You Should Choose to Breastfeed Your Baby?

Why You Should Choose to Breastfeed Your Baby?

Every baby and mom are unique and the decision to breastfeed your baby is all a personal matter. But, the medical research from all across the world, including ones from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, strongly recommends to exclusively breastfe... Read More

Hepatitis B Vaccines: What You Need To Know

Hepatitis B Vaccines: What You Need To Know

Hepatitis B is a highly contagious liver disease caused by the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV). HBV spreads when anyone comes in contact with the infected blood or certain body fluids (like urine or semen) of an infected person. The severity of this infection can range from bei... Read More

Are You a Diabetic? Do You Find Needle Pricks for Blood Sampling an Ordeal, Then CGM is a Boon!!

 Are You a Diabetic? Do You Find Needle Pricks for Blood Sampling an Ordeal, Then CGM is a Boon!!

As a diabetic yourself, or living with someone who has diabetes, it is a continuous struggle to get a hang of the medications, blood glucose values and other terminologies related to diabetes. And to top it all, now comes this new one - Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CG... Read More

Top 5 Home Remedies To Deal With Lactose Intolerance

Top 5 Home Remedies To Deal With Lactose Intolerance

If you experience bloating, gas, or diarrhea after consuming dairy foods, you might be lactose intolerant. This uncomfortable condition arises due to the deficiency of lactase – an enzyme that is produced in the small intestine.This uneasy digestive problem is not unt... Read More

Heal Upset Stomach Naturally With These Home Remedies

Heal Upset Stomach Naturally With These Home Remedies

Diarrhea can make you feel nauseated, bloated, cramped with abdominal pain, low with loose motion sickness, so on and so forth. Needless to say, any person experiencing such discomfort is bound to feel miserable.Well, read here some easy to follow home remedies that can... Read More

Cyberchondria: How the Internet Can Affect Your Health!

Cyberchondria: How the Internet Can Affect Your Health!

Today when so much of information is available just at a click away, it gets very easy to search the web extensively for any health-related info. But, this online research for self-diagnosis may cost your mental and physical wellness. Yes, you read it right! Your online... Read More

Do You Over-apply Sunscreens? You Might Be At Risk Of This Vitamin Deficiency

Do You Over-apply Sunscreens? You Might Be At Risk Of This Vitamin Deficiency

Skincare experts all across the world advocate the use of sunscreens. It is certainly a useful advice, as sunscreens play a crucial role in protecting against skin damage, not to mention skin cancer; however, did you know that hyper-cautious approach towards sunscreen m... Read More

Why Should You Consider Eating Steamed Vegetables?

Why Should You Consider Eating Steamed Vegetables?

Every time we go shopping, we pile our cart with fresh green produce as we all know that vegetables are good for us. But are you sure you’re getting the most out of your nutrient-packed vegetables or that killer kale salad you eat? In order to avail the most out of th... Read More

5 Reasons You Should Start Eating Ghee Every Day

5 Reasons You Should Start Eating Ghee Every Day

There is a surge in the popularity of ‘good fats’ - thanks to the innumerable healthy diet trends! One such powerful food in this 'good fat' list is Ghee, which is quite common in Indian kitchens and it is now making a space in global kitchens too. Ayurveda has been... Read More

Can't Sleep? Try these 2 Yoga Poses in Bed to Sleep Peacefully

Can't Sleep? Try these 2 Yoga Poses in Bed to Sleep Peacefully

Are you troubled with poor sleep? If you find it really hard to fall asleep after a long, busy day, this is for you! Practice these 3 yoga stretches on your bed to establish a relaxing bedtime routine and enjoy a peaceful good night sleep. Paschimottanasana (Q... Read More

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