Come monsoons and bacterial or fungal infections become a common sight. Though skin issues are more-or-less a part and parcel of the season, one still needs to be circumspect regarding the rashes that might occur unexpectedly any time of the year.

These harmless-looking rashes can sometimes cause various skin infections. So the next time you rebuff a slight eruption on your skin taking it to be a simple heat rash, rule out first if it is nothing like the ones mentioned below:

1. Eczema

eczema written with blocks
One of the common rashes, eczema causes red, bumpy skin that is itchy. It usually gets triggered by sweat, synthetic fabric, heat, or change in temperature. It usually affects the back of the knees, inner elbows, and scalp.

2. Cellulitis

man scratching his foot in grass
Another common bacterial skin infection, Cellulitis usually appears as red and swollen rash on the lower legs or arms. This painful redness and swelling tend to spread rapidly. You may also experience chills and sweat if infected. Keep yourself clean and take special care of your personal sanitation.

3. Ringworm

ringworm rash mark in the inner elbow
A fungal infection, ringworm appears as a red, itchy, raised ring on the body. It is contagious, and you can get infected if you come in close contact with the infected person. It can affect any part of the body. You also need to pay close attention to personal hygiene and keep yourself clean and dry in case of infection.

4. Shingles

shingles mentioned on the diagnosis paper
It is a blistering condition that is very painful and contagious too. Shingles (herpes zoster) rash can infect you if you’ve had chickenpox in childhood. The chickenpox virus (varicella-zoster) if reactivates at any point, it may give you a red, itchy, painful rash that can get accompanied by fever, chills, and fluid-filled blisters. This rash emerges most commonly on the torso.

Usually, the rash heals in two to four weeks, and your physician might help you with an antiviral medication. 

5. Lyme disease

sign board reading beware of ticks in a park
Although quite uncommon, this disease is not totally uncalled for if you tend to spend more time around grassy or wooded areas, or you have pets at home. If infected, you may notice a bull’s-eye rash (erythema migrans) along with fatigue, swollen glands, and joint pain. Caused by a tick-bite, this disease is mostly diagnosed by a blood test.

While these rashes can be mild and may go away on their own with necessary precautions and self-care, it is only wise to see a doctor for prompt medical attention if the rash starts growing. Be aware to stay safe.

For any queries related to rashes and skin infections, you can contact a Dermatologist at

About the Author

Vidhi Ghildiyal

Vidhi is a writer and blogger with more than 6 years of experience in developing content for varied verticals.

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