Vidhi is a writer and blogger with more than 6 years of experience in developing content for varied verticals.

Truth or Myth: Eating Oily Food Cause Acne Breakout!


Does the oil on your platter actually reflect as an acne or pimple on your face? Most of us have grown up with this fear that eating oily food can cause acne breakout.  But, is there any truth to this old wives' tale?  Here’s the fact!... Read More

4 Natural Ways to Build Bones and Prevent Osteoporosis!!


Protecting bone health is essential for continued mobility in older age. Bones begin to weaken after 35 years of age. Weak bones may lead to Osteoporosis - a condition where bones become fragile and get susceptible to fractures.Fortunately, there is a lot you can do to ... Read More

5 Reasons You're Not Getting Pregnant And How To Fix Them


You’ve been trying to conceive awhile, but get disappointed every time. This disheartening phase is often loaded with some mistakes that don’t cohabit with your fertility cycle.Read on to know the potential reasons that are keeping you from getting pregnant, and exp... Read More

What Really Causes Bad Breath And How To Combat It


Bad breath is embarrassing, and it is more common than you think. Although bad breath results from poor dental hygiene practices mostly, it might be a sign of an underlying health problem as well. Read here the possible causes of bad breath, medically known as hali... Read More

What's Brewing In Your Cuppa? Know The Pros And Cons Of Caffeine Consumption!


Coffee lover or tea lover, you need to know your brew well. While your cuppa may make you feel good and drive you through the day, do you know how much is its impact on your health? Read here the pros and cons of your daily drink and see it for yourself if the pros over... Read More

Here's What You Need To Know About Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome


31-years-old Kay is happily married to her husband for 5 years now but she has not able to conceive even after repeated tries. Maria, on the other hand, is tired of plucking her ever-growing facial hair on a regular basis. Rashmi misses her school often because she expe... Read More

Top 5 Home Remedies To Deal With Lactose Intolerance


If you experience bloating, gas, or diarrhea after consuming dairy foods, you might be lactose intolerant. This uncomfortable condition arises due to the deficiency of lactase – an enzyme that is produced in the small intestine.This uneasy digestive problem is not unt... Read More

Do You Over-apply Sunscreens? You Might Be At Risk Of This Vitamin Deficiency


Skincare experts all across the world advocate the use of sunscreens. It is certainly a useful advice, as sunscreens play a crucial role in protecting against skin damage, not to mention skin cancer; however, did you know that hyper-cautious approach towards sunscreen m... Read More

5 Reasons You Should Start Eating Ghee Every Day


There is a surge in the popularity of ‘good fats’ - thanks to the innumerable healthy diet trends! One such powerful food in this 'good fat' list is Ghee, which is quite common in Indian kitchens and it is now making a space in global kitchens too. Ayurveda has been... Read More

Home-made Face Packs to Treat 5 Common Skincare Concerns


Beauty is only skin deep, and inner beauty is something that really counts. True! But still, every woman desires a healthy, glowing, and flawless skin. And, why not? A radiant, healthy skin is bound to make one feel beautiful inside out.On this note, read on here a few ... Read More

Boost Your Thyroid Health with These 5 Superfoods


Constant tiredness, mood swings, sudden weight gain, dry hair and skin, weak memory - these telltale signs get ignored often, assuming that age is catching up. But, it could also mean an inactive thyroid gland.Located in the neck and shaped like a butterfly, the thyroid... Read More

5 Types of Skin Rashes You Should Worry About


Come monsoons and bacterial or fungal infections become a common sight. Though skin issues are more-or-less a part and parcel of the season, one still needs to be circumspect regarding the rashes that might occur unexpectedly any time of the year.These harmless-looking ... Read More

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