Truth or Myth: Eating too much sugar will cause diabetes!

Truth or Myth: Eating too much sugar will cause diabetes!

Many of us believe that eating too much sugar will cause diabetes. But, is it really true? Can you get diabetes from eating too much sugar? Here’s the Fact!... Read More

Truth or Myth: Does Eating Eggs Raises the Cholesterol Level

Truth or Myth: Does Eating Eggs Raises the Cholesterol Level

Eggs are at the center of a “To Eat or Not to Eat” discussion because of their cholesterol content.  But, do they really play a culprit in raising your blood cholesterol level? Or it is just a myth?Here’s the Fact!... Read More

Truth or Myth: Brief Exposure to Loud Music Can Cause Hearing Loss!

Truth or Myth: Brief Exposure to Loud Music Can Cause Hearing Loss!

Does music act as your drug and you sincerely believe in turning up the volume, closing your eyes, and letting the music take over your soul? If you said 'yes', then you might have also come across some free advice on not listening to loud music. The constant advic... Read More

Truth or Myth: Drinking Milk When You Have Cough Increases Phlegm Production!

Truth or Myth: Drinking Milk When You Have Cough Increases Phlegm Production!

Cough is too annoying to deal with. Not to mention the irritating sticky mucus, stuffy nose, and choked throat that comes along with it! Everyone - from your mother to the friendly neighborhood uncle, and grannies – will give you a list of foods to eat or drink. And, ... Read More

Truth or Myth: Sitting Too Close to the TV Will Weaken Your Vision

Truth or Myth: Sitting Too Close to the TV Will Weaken Your Vision

Perhaps all of us can recall being warned by our parents that watching TV from too close a distance can damage our eyesight. But do you think this belief, which still abounds about the eye care, is really true? Can sitting too close to the television really weaken our v... Read More

Truth or Myth: A Special Diet Plan is a Must for Weight Loss!

Truth or Myth: A Special Diet Plan is a Must for Weight Loss!

There are so many views and estimations about losing weight that it becomes a real challenge to sort a fact from fiction. When anyone wants to lose weight, the first thing s/he is advised is to follow a “special diet plan”. Drafted especially for the weight-watchers... Read More

Truth or Myth: Teething in Children Can Cause Fever!

Truth or Myth: Teething in Children Can Cause Fever!

From recurring fever, rashes, diarrhea, and what not, there are a number of problems linked to the teething of your baby! The list of these common beliefs may even outnumber the count of teeth your baby has! But, can teething be blamed for the rise in body’s temperatu... Read More

Truth or Myth: Eating Pineapples During Pregnancy Will Cause Miscarriage !

Truth or Myth: Eating Pineapples During Pregnancy Will Cause Miscarriage !

When you are pregnant, you may hear many advices coming from your friends, family members, even strangers telling you what to eat and what not to eat! Though some of these warnings given are helpful, others may be just a wrong information.One of the most common advices ... Read More

Truth or Myth: Dietary Supplements Are A Must For Our Well-Being

Truth or Myth: Dietary Supplements Are A Must For Our Well-Being

These day people firmly believe that dietary supplements can help cure many ailments and keep them healthy and strong inside-out. You can find supplements for vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins, antioxidants, phytonutrients, omega fatty acids, and many more. ... Read More

5 Simple Steps Towards Self-Care You Need To Practice Today!

5 Simple Steps Towards Self-Care You Need To Practice Today!

Self-care, as the name suggests, is taking care of one’s body and mind. The concept of self-care is fast changing from being that of ‘feel-good’ to what is actually good for your well-being. In a way, self-care can also be termed as self-discipline which requires ... Read More

8 Effective Remedies to Deal With Constipation Naturally

8 Effective Remedies to Deal With Constipation Naturally

One of the prime causes of constipation is our modern day lifestyle, which comprises improper diet, alcohol abuse, smoking, dependency on certain medications, and stress. If left untreated, constipation can lead to major health issues such as rectal bleeding, anal fissu... Read More

4 Natural Ways to Build Bones and Prevent Osteoporosis!!

4 Natural Ways to Build Bones and Prevent Osteoporosis!!

Protecting bone health is essential for continued mobility in older age. Bones begin to weaken after 35 years of age. Weak bones may lead to Osteoporosis - a condition where bones become fragile and get susceptible to fractures.Fortunately, there is a lot you can do to ... Read More

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