What Causes Snoring and How to Stop It Using Natural Remedies | Health A-Z | Ask a Doctor 24x7

Snoring isn't just noisy but annoying too. There's nothing worse than the sound of someone snoring if you're trying to fall asleep. Or if it’s you who snore, people may end up teasing you for the loud honking and huffing noise that you make while sleeping! Not only this, but it may also be an indication of a serious health issue that needs medical intervention. 

Continue reading to find more about snoring and also explore some home remedies and lifestyle changes that play a crucial role in resolving this problem.

What causes snoring and its associated health risks?

  • Being overweight. Obesity and overweight can significantly elevate your chances of snoring. Losing even a little bit of weight can reduce fatty tissue in the back of the throat, and this may help decrease or even stop snoring.
  • Having inflammation in the throat, nose, and airways. Inflammation and congestion in the nose, throat or sinus problems or any respiratory infections may also cause snoring.
  • Consuming alcohol. Alcohol relaxes the muscle of the throat, which can make snoring more likely.
  • Smoking irritates the sensitive tissues of the nose, throat, and airway, making them more likely to vibrate and cause snoring. If you smoke, your chances of snoring are high. So, it’s better to quit.
  • Sleeping position. If you sleep on your back this can lead to a narrower airway and interrupted breathing, thus causing you to snore.

According to various scientific research, people who snore are at a higher risk of developing serious sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea. Also, there are a few other major ailments such as breathing disorders, depression, anxiety, drowsiness, and fatigue that can cause blockage in the breathing pattern and cause you to snore. In some cases, snoring might be an indication of protruding heart disease and stroke! If your snoring keeps your partner awake, it can also create major relationship issues.

How to stop snoring naturally?

There are many things you can do on your own to stop snoring. Here are a few bedtime remedies that can help alleviate your snoring problem:

  • Clear nasal passages. If you’re suffering from a stuffy nose, it may make inhalation difficult and can lead to snoring. Try to keep your nasal passages open either by taking a hot shower before bedtime or you can clear the passage using a ‘neti pot’ with warm salt water. You can also try nasal decongestants or nasal strips to help you breathe more easily while sleeping.
  • Keep bedroom air moist with a humidifier. Dry air can irritate membranes in the nose and throat. And this can disrupt your breathing pattern, thus causing you to snore.  
  • Establish a regular sleep pattern. Create a bedtime ritual and stick to it. Hitting the sack in a routine way can help you sleep better and minimize snoring problem too.
  • Change your pillow. There are pillows specially designed to help prevent snoring by making sure your neck muscles are not crimped. 
  • Avoid or limit alcohol, at least two to three hours before bedtime because it relaxes throat muscles and interferes with breathing. So better don’t drink if you want to sleep in peace without snoring.
  • Sleep on your side. Sleeping on your back makes it more likely for your tongue and soft tissues to drop and obstruct your airway.

Additionally, do talk to your doctor about any prescription medications such as a sleeping pill or any sedative you’re taking, as these medicines may encourage a deeper level of sleep which can make snoring worse.

For any query related to snoring or any sleep or breathing disorder, you can consult a Pulmonologist at www.healthcaremagic.com

About the Author

Priya Singh

Priya Singh is a professional writer and editor with 13 years of experience in writing/editing health and lifestyle content for diverse verticals such as magazine, newspaper, and digital media.

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