Is There Blood In Your Urine? What Men Need To Know
The presence of blood in the urine, medically known as Hematuria, is indeed frightening and should never be ignored. Even if it happens just once, with the urine remaining clear for weeks or months before it reappears, make an immediate visit to the doctor to rule out any possible underlying condition.
While normally it is not necessarily associated with any harmful condition, it can be the sign of some serious disease. Give a read to know the obvious causes, diagnosis, treatment and preventive tips to handle hematuria.
What causes blood in urine?

Some of the common causes of hematuria in both men and women are:
- Stone in kidney (where urine is formed) or bladder (where urine is stored)
- Infection in kidney or bladder (urinary tract)
- Bladder or kidney cancer
- Vigorous exercise or injury
- Certain medications such as aspirin or blood thinners are also responsible for hematuria
- Some rare diseases and genetic disorders: sickle cell disease, systemic lupus erythematous (a chronic inflammatory condition), or Von Hippel-Landau disease (a genetic disorder)
- Eating beetroot (this may turn your urine pink)
Men have an additional reason for blood showing up in their urine, and these are: an enlarged prostate gland or prostate cancer. If you do experience symptoms such as fever, pain or burning while urination, frequent urination, feeling tired or any other feeling of being unwell along with hematuria, you should see your doctor right away.
4 tests that helps to diagnose the cause of blood in urine

The source of blood in urine can be anywhere from kidney to bladder to urethra. You must never hesitate to pay a visit to your family doctor or primary care provider to get yourself checked for the cause. After examining you, the doctor may refer you to a specialist (Urologist).
You may be recommended to undergo the following tests:
- Urinalysis and blood test to look out the presence of an infection or detect BPH.
- Imaging tests such as ultrasound, CT scan or MRI are helpful in detecting stones, tumors or other abnormalities.
- Cystoscopy. During cystoscopy a narrow tube fitted with a tiny camera is inserted into the urethra to examine your bladder and urethra.
- Diagnosis for prostate cancer is done if you are suspected to have cancer.
How can it be treated?

As mentioned above, hematuria is not always the result of a serious condition. In serious cases, it is always good to get the cause detected and treated early to avoid any complications. The treatment depends on the cause. Consult an Urologist on know the treatment options pertaining to your specific condition.
How can you prevent blood in urine?

Following lifestyle modifications can help prevent certain conditions that are responsible for hematuria:
- Drink plenty of water to prevent infection and development of stone
- To prevent stone formation, susceptible people must avoid excess of certain foods, such as spinach and rhubarb, and excess salt in food
- Urinate immediately after intercourse to avoid any infection
- Practice good hygiene to keep infection at bay
- Load up on nutritious foods, especially those rich in antioxidants and vitamins such as fruits, nuts, berries, and vegetables. Having nutritious diet boosts immunity and keeps you healthy
- Sip on cranberry juice as it is good for kidney health and prevents infection
Ask a Urologist online, in case you want to know anything else about the condition, hematuria!
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