Dr Vaishalee is a general physician with experience of more than 16 years. She has done MD in Clinical Pharmacology that equips her with better knowledge of medicines and how to apply this knowledge for a clinical case. She has satisfactorily assisted many people in her clinic and on www.healthcaremagic.com with better management of their health conditions. Dr Vaishalee is here to guide you and to help you you to live well with your health conditions.

Yes! Common Cold Can Cause Hearing Loss. Learn Ways to Reverse it


An infection of the upper respiratory tract, including the nose, throat, nasal passages, and larynx is commonly known as a cold. Common colds can cause nasal or sinus congestion, which can make your nose feel stuffy. Do you know that the cold can sometimes be the cause ... Read More

Parkinson's Disease: Identify Early Signs, Causes, Risk Factors, and Ways to Prevent it


Parkinson's disease (PD) is a slowly progressive neurodegenerative illness that begins years before a diagnosis can be made. It results from a combination of environmental and hereditary causes and brings with it a wide range of challenges in activities of daily life. C... Read More

7 Daily Habits That Might Be Damaging Your Brain Health


Our body's functions are managed by our brain. It is the main control center that manages a host of essential functions like processing sensory information, breathing, movement, heart rate, digestion, speech, thought, emotions, etc. Our brain is made up of both gray mat... Read More

Learn How Menopause Affects Your Bones & What You Can Do?


Menopause is when your menstrual cycle permanently stops. It often strikes women between the ages of 45 and 55. Do you know that menopause can affect your bone health as well? As people age, they lose bone mass or density, especially women who have gone through menopaus... Read More

Alcohol and Cancer: Things You Must Know


Billions of people worldwide drink alcohol to alter their emotional state. People mostly drink to socialize, lower tension and anxiety, and enjoy feelings of exhilaration, relaxation, and disinhibition. Ethanol (often known as ethyl alcohol) is the type of alcohol that ... Read More

Everything You Need To Know About Lymphoma


Lymphoma, in general terms, refers to the type of cancer that develops in the lymphatic system. It is the most common type of blood cancer that starts in our lymphocyte, a type of white blood cell that is part of our immune system (germ-fighting work). Read the blo... Read More

What Is Bacterial Vaginosis And Its STD Connection: Know The Facts.


Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is a vaginal inflammatory condition that occurs due to an imbalance in normal flora (microbes) in the vaginal tract resulting in vaginal discharge with a fish-like odor. It is caused because of the overgrowth of harmful bacteria like Gardnerella... Read More

Frequently Asked Questions from Adolescent Girls about Menstruation: Answers an Expert


Why menstruation is not much talked about when it is not a taboo topic to discuss anyway. The women in my home always spoke in hushed tones about menstruation, and I don’t remember openly talking about any of my menstrual fears even to my mother. Hence, whatever ... Read More

Your Unborn Baby May Have a Dilated Pelvis or Kidneys: Know All About Pelviectasis


Nowadays, an ultrasound scan is increasingly being used to find congenital anomalies in unborn children at 20th-week-anatomy ultrasound scans. At this time, pelviectasis is one of the commonly found anomalies that show up in almost 1% to 2% of pregnancies. When detected... Read More

How to Stay Calm and Level-headed through Thick and Thin of Life!


With growing competition everywhere and incessant changes in life, ‘tension’ has become one of the most commonly addressed subjects of concern. Research has shown that mental health issues like depression, anxiety, behavior problems, insomnia, drug addiction, and ps... Read More

6 Medicines That Are Mostly Prescribed After Surgery and Their Role in Your Healthcare


Have you ever wondered why so many medicines are given after surgery? Nowadays it has become quite common for people to undergo surgeries for relief from medical issues. The surgery may be a minor or a major one, depending on the type of surgery and other factors. To he... Read More

6 Ways You Can Go Green and Choose To Live a Healthy Living


Along with many developments in science and technology, we millennials have also witnessed a huge increase in the use of chemicals in our daily lives, today. By going green and adopting an eco-friendly, organic lifestyle mindfully you will not only choose to save yourse... Read More

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