While those extra kilograms may not seem to be a big deal, they can cost you much more in the long run. Studies reveal that being obese (having a BMI of 30 or more) raises your risk of developing diseases like hypertension, heart problems, bone and joint diseases, diabetes, and different types of cancer. The emotional and social sufferings are next. From health to relations, it affects every aspect of people’s lives.

Here are the top 10 things you can do to beat obesity:

1. Accept reality 

Do not procrastinate. Start now. Self-realization and self-monitoring are the most important holistic strategies to come out of this condition. Start by tracking everything you eat. Focus on cutting down your calorie intake by 500 calories fewer per day than your usual intake. Speak to your dietician for proper guidance.

2. Put a stop to your cravings 

The rise in popularity of fast food, soft drinks, and junk food and beverages is the prime cause of obesity. To shed some extra loads from your body, you need to say a strict NO to such food plans. To control the craving, try to postpone eating your desired snack by 10 minutes and, often you’ll find that the craving goes away.

3. Practice mindful eating

Include at least two servings of fruits and three servings of vegetables every day. Try limiting carbohydrate intake and increasing protein intake. For instance, if you choose to eat idli sambhar for your breakfast, then reduce the number of idlis, which is rich in carbohydrates, and have more sambhar- which is rich in protein. Similarly, pay attention to every food you choose to eat.

Also, try to identify personal triggers for mindless eating, such as social pressures, strong emotions, and particular foods. Talk to your doctor about a proper nutritive diet.

4. Trick your appetite

Serve food on a smaller plate and divide a single portion into two, to trick your mind that you’re eating more. Also, take a pause for 2-3 minutes during a meal and converse with others. This will distract your focus from eating, thus making you feel full quickly. 

Always leave the table as soon as eating is done. Most importantly, do not combine eating with other activities, such as reading or watching television, as these may prone you to overeat.

5. Plan your meals ahead

To beat obesity and lose weight without a diet, planning is key. You know the old saying “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Well, it’s true when it comes to weight loss. How many times do you pull up to a drive-thru window for an unhealthy meal because it’s the fastest and easiest option? Losing weight is not convenient, but the reward of a healthy life is worth the effort. So, start planning your meals and snacks a week in advance. This will serve as both your menu and grocery list. Even if you know a night out is coming up, preview the menu for healthy options.  Meal planning is not just about what you cook to eat, it’s being prepared to choose right for every meal no matter where it’s coming from. Take your meal planning one step further by scheduling meal and snack times. 

Tip: Until you’re used to eating on a schedule, add daily calendar reminders to the calendar app on your phone. 

6. Start a food diary

If you don’t already have a food journal, now is a good time to buy one. This is the perfect way to keep track of everything you put into your body each day. To use a food diary successfully, start the day by writing out all your planned meals and snacks for the day. Throughout the day, if you cheat, write those things down too. This keeps you accountable and sheds light on any negative patterns that drive you off-course. Most obese people have an addiction to food that causes them to use food as a coping mechanism. There will be times when you feel challenged by old habits, so use your food diary to journal thoughts and feelings that may be causing you to struggle. Since losing weight without dieting is a long-term lifestyle change, a diary can be one of the best tools for your success in beating obesity. 

7. Stay Away From Unhealthy, Sugar Loaded Drinks

Too much sugar can lead to weight gain and obesity. To cut on your stuck weight, make sure to limit your sugar consumption to a combined total of 150ml a day. Say a complete no to frizzy drinks, instant powdered drinks, squashes and juice drinks, and soft and alcoholic drinks as they contain a lot of added sugar. Packaged fruit smoothies are also unhealthy options as they too are sugar-loaded. Aim to drink around six to eight glasses of water a day. You can also go for fruit and herbs-induced detox water. It has no calories and no sugars. Low-fat milk and sugar-free drinks including tea and coffee.

For alcoholic beverages, try choosing ‘light’ or low alcohol content alternatives or opt for a low-calorie mixer such as a diet coke. Aim to drink not more than one pint, occasionally, if you are trying to lose weight..

8. Inculcate physical activities 

Ditch the elevators and escalators. Walk. Hit the gym. Do any activity, but make sure you indulge in exercises in your daily routine to stay fit. 

For best and sustained weight loss results, start by brisk walking for 10 minutes to warm up. Cool down for 30 seconds. Then start running for two minutes, followed by one minute of walking. After the one-minute walk, run again for another two minutes, and then do another one-minute walk. Repeat this as many times as you can for 30-40 minutes.

9. Set positivity in your mind and body

It is going to take time before you see the positive results. Don’t give up. Stay determined and positive. Join a support group that motivates you to keep following your fitness regime and maintain a healthy weight.

10. Consider Obesity Treatment

If you’re obese with comorbid conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure and despite trying dieting and exercise you couldn’t achieve or maintain a beneficial level of weight loss, then you must think about weight loss treatment or surgery. There are particularly four types of weight loss treatments that are commonly advised, including:

  • Gastric sleeve: Under this treatment, approximately 75% of your stomach is removed to limit the amount of food you can eat. You can notice that weight loss is rapid and there will be no effect on your digestion system nor would you suffer from nutritional deficiencies or dumping syndrome. 

  • Gastric bypass: In this procedure, your digestive system gets re-routed so that most of your stomach is bypassed. You feel full quickly and digest less food. It is one of the most result-oriented weight loss surgeries as one can notice sustainable weight loss in the long term. Talk to a Gastroenterologist Surgeon for a detailed understanding.

  • Gastric band: It’s simpler and less invasive with a faster recovery time than a bypass or sleeve surgery and it is reversible too. A band is used to reduce your stomach's size so that your stomach gets full with less food. However, the weight loss is often less and more gradual. 

  • Gastric balloon: It is a non-surgical, low invasive, temporary (usually 6 months) weight loss solution – suitable for those with a BMI of 27 to 35. A balloon filled with saline solution is placed inside your stomach to take up space and help you feel full so that you eat less. Unlike other surgical options, it shows slower weight loss results.

Although some people can modify their lifestyle and lose weight on their own, many need extra help. Better consult your doctor to fight away obesity. Eat good, move more, and stay fit! 

For any query related to obesity management or obesity treatment, you can consult a Gastroenterologist online at Ask a Doctor 24x7.

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Disclaimer: Information provided on this page is not intended to substitute for proper medical advice provided by your healthcare professional. This is only for informational purposes.

About the Author

Priya Singh

Priya Singh is a professional writer and editor with 13 years of experience in writing/editing health and lifestyle content for diverse verticals such as magazine, newspaper, and digital media.

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