Dr. Nidhi is a doctorate in Biotechnology with more than 7 years of experience in academic, scientific, and healthcare writing. She has been the recipient of CSIR/UGC JRF and has worked in both the academic and health sector to create content for various online platforms. She is an eminent writer with the potential to leave a dynamic impact on readers with her write-ups. Presently, she is working on the post of senior medical editor.

Top 8 FAQs On IVF


‘IVF’ or 'In vitro fertilization' is a word with a big hope for many childless couples. It may turn years of despair and frustration for infertile couples into the excitement of welcoming little feet to their families. However, IVF-seeking couples may find themselve... Read More

7 Tips to Teach Your Toddlers About 'Stranger Danger'(Without Horrifying Them)


Are you a parent who wants your child to stay alert from strangers without creating a buzz around it? If you worry that teaching about stranger danger may give rise to anxiety and distress in your children, then reading through this blog may help. We as adults know that... Read More

7 Harmful Effects of Climatic Change and How To Avoid the Consequences


Technological advancement in the last few decades has gifted us with a variety of manual or automatic gadgets thus making our lives super easy. Whether it is about traveling or business, agriculture or industries, education or communication, or any other field, technolo... Read More

Abdominal Migraine: Causes, Symptoms, and Ways to Deal With It


When we think of migraine, we often imagine recurrent attacks of the headache, but do you know migraine affects the stomach also? Surprised? Yes, we are talking about Abdominal migraine’ that affects the stomach and is one of the common causes of chronic and recurrent... Read More

Why Should You Choose 'Ask A Doctor (AAD) 24*7' Platform For Online Doctor Consultation?


If you feel down with a fever or cold; experience headache or mild skin allergy; or suffer from diarrhea or stomach infection, would you prefer to visit a health care provider or directly to a pharmacist to get medicines? Well, if you choose the latter then it’s not o... Read More

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Kids: Things Every Parent Must Know


Does your kid often feel difficulty in breathing or do you know any other child who complains about breathlessness while carrying out normal day-to-day activities? Well, then you must know about COPD, a lung disease that causes difficulty in breathing due to long-term a... Read More

7 Things You Can Do to Prevent a Breast Cancer Relapse


 The biggest fear of any female who has undergone breast cancer treatment is that it may come back. The agony and anxiety one might have experienced, since the day cancer was diagnosed to the completion of therapies may appear as a nightmare, and getting it once ag... Read More

6 Myths About Pregnancy That You Must Stop Believing Right Away!


Motherhood is blissful, and so is pregnancy – the feeling of growing a new life inside you. It is common to experience a wide range of emotions during pregnancy as it marks the beginning of a new phase of life and brings significant physical and emotional changes, for... Read More

7 Functional Remedies to Tackle Eye Infections And Flu During The Monsoon Season


The pitter-patter of raindrops fills hearts with delight for most people. Rain splash brings zeal to have fun with our loved ones, craving to eat delicious food, and desire to go for long drives to enjoy pleasant weather. Still, unfortunately, the rainy season is associ... Read More

Irregular Periods? It Can Be A Sign Of Thyroid Dysfunction


Getting regular periods is a healthy trait for every woman. If you notice your periods getting irregular for the last many months, and you are unsure of any reason; maybe, your thyroid is the culprit. Yes! You read it right. Since thyroid hormones regulate the metabolis... Read More

Role Of Online Health Consultation in Primary Patient Care


Since the first wave of COVID, people’s outlook on many aspects especially health has been drastically transformed making them extra cautious and apprehensive over health issues. Undeniably, the curve for health concerns also shows an increase over the last three year... Read More

How To Deal With The Anxiety Of Your Preteens and Teenager?


Anxiety represents a natural emotion of excitement, nervousness, fear, anger, dread, stress, or sometimes even panic. Being anxious at some moments is not unusual for any of us. However, coping with an adolescent‘s persistent anxiety is certainly not child’s play. I... Read More

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