Daily Health Tips
Dos and Don'ts for a COVID-19 Free Home and a Clean Neighborhood
In order to fight against COVID-19 it is extremely important to stay aware and take proper precautions. Find below some of the hand-picked dos and don'ts advice from specialists all across the globe, to keep your home and neighborhood safe during this pandemic alert.10 ... Read More
Eating Too Much Cheese Might Give Your Kids Constipation! Here's What Science Says
If you are a parent and your little munchkin loves biting into a pizza slice oozing with cheese or her favorite snack is anything that has cheese in it, then this is a must read for you. With a lip-smacking flavor and huge variety, cheese is commonly touted as kids’ f... Read More
Why Do Newborns Need the Hepatitis B Vaccine?
After your baby is born, two important factors need utmost priority to ensure that your baby has a healthy life. Firstly, breastfeeding, which offers tremendous amounts of nutrients which inadvertently builds the immune power in your baby to fight against harmful diseas... Read More
Diagnosed With Low Sodium in the Blood? Here's What You Need to Know!
Sodium chloride or what we call ‘table salt’ makes up 0.4 percent of the human body-weight. While most of medical science has focused on sodium being one of the leading causes of high blood pressure and heart issues, low sodium levels or hyponatremia can also lead t... Read More
What Does OCD Mean And How Does It Relate To Perfectionism?
Do you often find yourself worrying about whether the main door was locked before you left? Do you feel the need to double-check it? Worrying about something that you feel you've forgotten to do is common. While this means you’re a completely rational person – possi... Read More
What Happens When You Drink Too Much Water?
We all know that water is one of the best healing elixirs for any ailment. It helps to flush out the toxins from our body and let it function smoothly. While it is always advised to drink at least 8 to 12 glasses of water, daily, there are chances that over-consumption ... Read More
Eating Rice Makes You Obese Or Protects You From Obesity? Here's the Fact!
Obesity or being overweight is one of the growing health concerns around the world. Two prime causes of obesity are unhealthy food habits and lack of physical activity. When we talk food, rice is one of the main staples that is often linked with obesity and excessive we... Read More
Water Labor: Know If You Are a Good Candidate for it or Not!
It is understandable that a lot of women experience the anxiety about the whole process of childbirth, especially revolving around labor pain. Some of them also go to the extent of looking for other manageable and comfortable childbirth options. One such delivery option... Read More
6 Ayurvedic Remedies To Tackle Toothache Naturally
Toothache is a very common dental complaint that can affect anyone, irrespective of age and gender. It may range from a mild throbbing discomfort to an excruciating pain that can drive you crazy. If you too have ever had such toothache that has left you struggling to ge... Read More
How to Choose a Right Toothpaste to Maintain Good Oral Health?
Our teeth are pretty good indicators of our health and overall hygiene. Health issues such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and even lung cancer can show up as early warning signs in our teeth! It is therefore imperative that we keep our teeth clean. With... Read More
7 Steps Towards Kidney Stone Prevention That You Must Consider!
Kidney stones are crystallized forms of minerals and elements found in the urine that gets lodged in different sizes in the kidneys or ureter. Formation of stones in the kidney causes excruciating pain in the lower abdomen and back, and it can be further followed by blo... Read More
What Causes Dryness and Burning Sensation in Eyes and How to Sooth Them Naturally?
Vision is a precious sense that we are gifted with. But, at times, our natural peepers that allow us to hold a vision gets dry with a burning sensation, making us immediately anxious that somehing wrong has entered the eyes. Foreign body sensation in the eye is one of t... Read More