Dos And Don'ts For A COVID-19 Free Home And A Clean Neighborhood
In order to fight against COVID-19 it is extremely important to stay aware and take proper precautions. Find below some of the hand-picked dos and don'ts advice from specialists all across the globe, to keep your home and neighborhood safe during this pandemic alert.
10 DOs That We All Must Follow

- Remain indoors and maintain personal hygiene.
- Stock up on groceries and everyday necessities to avoid running errands unnecessarily.
- Wash all kitchen utensils well with soap and water before and after use. According to the World Health Organization, COVID-19 may persist on surfaces anywhere between a few hours to several days.
- Wash food items thoroughly before storage and before use.
- Keep your home well ventilated. Keep windows and doors open.
- Request every visitor and guest to wash their face, hands, and feet immediately upon entering the home.
- Put extra care everyday in disinfecting and cleaning the rooms of your children and your elderly loved ones.
- Clean remote controls, phones and keyboards at least once a day.
- Consider cancelling the daily newspaper. Better to watch or listen news on television or broadcastor.
- Keep any courier received in a separate tray, untouched for at least 24 hours.
5 DON'Ts

- Do not go to public gatherings and get-togethers (Ex: Children's play areas, parties, celebrations, educative classes, workshops, summer camps, music / dance / prayer groups, etc.).
- Do not spit in public places. Avoid chewing on pan and supari to stop the need to spit.
- Do not litter any kind of waste anywhere. Use trash cans and waste paper baskets wisely and appropriately.
- Do not order anything through courier or home delivery or avoid as much as possible.
- Do not go on routine walks, especially senior citizens, as their immunity could get easily compromised.
For more information regarding Corona virus and related symptoms, please contact an Internal Medicine Specialist.
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