How to Pick the Right Mattress to Avoid Back Pain and Get Better Sleep!

How to Pick the Right Mattress to Avoid Back Pain and Get Better Sleep!

Is back pain keeping you up at most of the nights? Maybe your mattress is causing this great discomfort! Yes! You read it right! Prolonged back pain and sleep issues are very much related to the mattress you are using! If you go ignorant towards the quality of the mattr... Read More

Tired Working in Shift Routine? Follow These Tips to Balance Your Work, Life & Health !!

Tired Working in Shift Routine? Follow These Tips to Balance Your Work, Life & Health !!

Work, in today’s world, is not like how it used to be in olden days, starting in the morning and getting done by the evening - a toil of eight hours. Times have changed so much that various organizations are operational round the clock, with staff working in shifts su... Read More

6 Harmful Effects Of Cell Phones That You Must Know!

6 Harmful Effects Of Cell Phones That You Must Know!

Communication in the 21st century has been revolutionized with the availability and use of cell phones by nearly everyone from all walks of life. Whether it be the smartest device ever made or a basic keypad phone, we’ve all gotten into the habit of checking our phone... Read More

Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hold Hidden Dangers for Women's Heart Health. Here's All You Need to Know!

Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hold Hidden Dangers for Women's Heart Health. Here's All You Need to Know!

Snoring is often a normal part of sleep and can affect anyone. But for many of us, this sleeping pattern may be the sign of a more serious health problem - Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). In OSA, the muscles that control breathing stop moving or the airway gets blocked. ... Read More

Why Hangovers Hurt Worse After 30? Here are the Reason and a Definite Solution to it!

Why Hangovers Hurt Worse After 30? Here are the Reason and a Definite Solution to it!

If you are in your 30s and reading this article, chances are that the above topic has struck a chord. Yes! Hangovers exist and they seem to get worse as we age. While your 20s may have buzzed by smoothly in terms of dealing with the ‘morning after’ an office party o... Read More

What Does Sleeping More Than 9 Hours Say About Your Health?

What Does Sleeping More Than 9 Hours Say About Your Health?

When it comes to counting sheep, most of us are familiar with the ill effects of sleep deprivation. Too little sleep not only affects our mood, stress, memory, and immunity, but it has also been linked with many chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart dis... Read More

5 Good Reasons Why You Must Sleep Without a Pillow

5 Good Reasons Why You Must Sleep Without a Pillow

There are few signs indicating that your pillow may be doing more harm than good. Sleeping without a pillow can greatly improve your overall health and relieve a variety of symptoms you may have been experiencing, like a stiff neck, headaches, and lower back pain. Allow... Read More

The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly Effects of Alcohol - The Complete Guide

The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly Effects of Alcohol - The Complete Guide

Get together, festivities and celebrations are incomplete for some without good food and hard drinks! Although the intake of alcohol has always been a debated topic, there are a few good things that are also associated with moderate alcohol intake. Continue reading... Read More

What's Brewing In Your Cuppa? Know The Pros And Cons Of Caffeine Consumption!

What's Brewing In Your Cuppa? Know The Pros And Cons Of Caffeine Consumption!

Coffee lover or tea lover, you need to know your brew well. While your cuppa may make you feel good and drive you through the day, do you know how much is its impact on your health? Read here the pros and cons of your daily drink and see it for yourself if the pros over... Read More

Cyberchondria: How the Internet Can Affect Your Health!

Cyberchondria: How the Internet Can Affect Your Health!

Today when so much of information is available just at a click away, it gets very easy to search the web extensively for any health-related info. But, this online research for self-diagnosis may cost your mental and physical wellness. Yes, you read it right! Your online... Read More

How to Help Your Dad Stay Healthy After 40

How to Help Your Dad Stay Healthy After 40

Our dads are our real ‘Super Heroes’. Isn’t it? But, the truth is that aging can lead to several health complications and we need to help our dads to be comfortable and safe in their later stages of life. So, now it’s our turn to take care of their health!This F... Read More

Suffering From a Tingling Pain While Working? This Syndrome Could Be The Reason

Suffering From a Tingling Pain While Working? This Syndrome Could Be The Reason

Do you experience a constant tingling pain in your neck, fingers, wrist, or back due to sitting and typing at work? If yes, you could be suffering from Occupational Overuse Syndrome (OOS).OOS is mainly a collective form of the conditions that occur due to repeated movem... Read More

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