Priya Singh is a professional writer and editor with 13 years of experience in writing/editing health and lifestyle content for diverse verticals such as magazine, newspaper, and digital media.

5 Effective Tips to Reduce Hair Fall and Boost Hair Growth Naturally


A head full of healthy, lustrous hair is now no more a far-fetched dream! Surprised? Don’t be! If you’re looking for a fool-proof solution for hair growth problems, your search ends here.Just follow these 5 simple, safe, and effective home remedies to increase hair ... Read More

5 Common Health Problems in Children and Tips to Handle Them


Children, especially the school beginners, are most susceptible to falling sick frequently. As the immune system of these younger children is not completely developed, they tend to battle series of infections, almost every day. Here are 5 common health problems in ... Read More

5 Essential Oils To Help Keep Mosquitoes Away This Summer


Mosquitoes are a perpetual problem. They become acute especially during the warm summer months, giving a cue to deadly diseases like malaria, dengue, and chikungunya.  So, it is important to stay protected against these blood-sucking bugs. If you’re wary of using... Read More

5 Ways to Initiate a Conversation About Sex With Your Partner


As time flows and relationships mature, sex tends to lose novelty. There is a lot to be said and heard. But, communicating effectively around sex and intimacy often feels difficult. Isn’t it? Read here some ground rules for initiating a meaningful and satisfying ... Read More

Trouble Falling Asleep? Here are 6 Simple Habits One Can Follow to Sleep Peacefully


A good night sleep is extremely important for our mental and physical wellbeing. But at times, most of us get into a situation where falling asleep becomes really difficult. Read here 6 simple habits that will help you get a good night sleep. Stick to a scheduleGoi... Read More

4 Simple Yet Effective Home Remedies That Every Parent Should Know


Do you rush to your doctor immediately at the sight of your toddler coughing and sneezing? Not always, right? As a word of caution, it is always better to cut down on harsh drugs as medicines for normal childhood illnesses such as cold, cough, nausea, motions, or even m... Read More

Troubled With Poor Sleep? Try These Tips to Sleep like a Baby Naturally


That irritable feeling when you can’t sleep and obsessive thoughts about sleep keep you wide awake – this is something that every insomniac can relate to. Feeling anxious, lethargic, and stressed comes naturally to them. If you find your cure in sleeping pills alone... Read More

What Happens When You Sleep With Makeup On?


Sleeping with makeup on is something that happens to all of us, but it is certainly not a wise thing to make it a habit. If you regularly slip into the bed with a ton of products on, then it may adversely affect your skin's health.Here are some key complications that ma... Read More

Want to Lose Weight After Party Binge? Try These Weight-Loss Meal Plans!


So you partied hard the last weekend binging on your favorite fries and drinks, but now feeling terrible for that gluttony? Are you looking out for ways to shed off those added kilos? Do not worry anymore, as here come 4 easy-to-follow diet plans that will compensate yo... Read More

Troubled With Acne? Here's a List of Do's and Don'ts to Follow


If you have ever had a pimple or experienced acne breakout even once in your life, you know how difficult it could be to deal with it. Considering it to be normal and leaving it untreated may result in scarring and pigmentation. So do take a proper care of your skin, wh... Read More

Winter Exercises for Arthritis Pain that You Can Do in Bed


Winter is a beautiful season. But, for people suffering from arthritis, this season becomes a reason for aggravated pain, stiffness, and swelling in their joints. If you have arthritis and still desire to enjoy the weather then here is the key. Practice these on-the-bed... Read More

Did You Know About These Latest Birth Control Options?


When it comes to contraception most of the people still prefer those old favorites, ‘the pill and the condom’. However, with the rapid advances in the medical world, there are a number of other contraception options available today. So do not shy anymore asking for ... Read More

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