Priya Singh is a professional writer and editor with 13 years of experience in writing/editing health and lifestyle content for diverse verticals such as magazine, newspaper, and digital media.

What Causes Dryness and Burning Sensation in Eyes and How to Sooth Them Naturally?


Vision is a precious sense that we are gifted with. But, at times, our natural peepers that allow us to hold a vision gets dry with a burning sensation, making us immediately anxious that somehing wrong has entered the eyes. Foreign body sensation in the eye is one of t... Read More

Secondhand Smoke Is As Injurious As Direct Smoking!! Here's What You Need to Do!


If you are one of those who believe that smoking a cigarette is a cool thing to do, you must know that tobacco use – both in smoke and smokeless form – is one of the prime contributors to heart disease. Not just direct use, but secondhand smoke exposure is also resp... Read More

Are You a Facebook, Insta, or Twitter Addict? Recognize the Signs and Find Ways to Deal With It !!


Social media, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to name a few, is taking over the world, and that’s not an exaggeration! Everyone - from eager-to-fit-in teenagers to educated businessmen and working professionals, to our intrigued grandparents - has joined th... Read More

5 Reasons Why You Must Start Jumping Rope Every Day !!


Skipping rope is one of the most cost-effective, HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training), full-body workouts. It can be practiced by anyone - be it a beginner, intermediates, or someone at an advanced level of training. Moreover, it can be done at any place and in any w... Read More

Can You Donate Blood If You Have a Tattoo?


Samaira, a 21-year-old confident girl known for her kindness and selfless social acts, was alarmingly taken aback when she was not allowed to donate blood to her own cousin. A tattoo with the message, “Whoever saves a life is human!” that she got done a week ago has... Read More

7 Lifestyle Choices to Reduce Your Risk for Breast Cancer


Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women. Many factors contribute to the development of breast cancer. These include risk factors that are genetic, related to aging or being a woman, and others related to one’s lifestyle. Lifestyle factors include... Read More

Cold Water vs. Warm Water - Which One is Harmful to Your Health?


We all know that drinking enough water throughout the day is an essential factor to stay healthy. But, did you know that drinking water in proper quantity and at a proper temperature is very important in order to reap the benefit it provides? Take a look here at some of... Read More

What to Eat And What Not to Eat In IBS


Are you troubled with abdominal pain, diarrhea alternating with constipation, belly cramps, or bloating? Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) might be the reason behind this discomfort. IBS can have long lasting problems, hence managing it well is important.According to a stu... Read More

Truth or Myth: Babies Who Talk Early or Walk Early Are Brighter !


Parents often talk proudly about their baby’s early talking skills or walking ability. It is also natural to think that mastering these skills at an early age indicates that the baby is smarter than his or her peers. But is intelligence really linked with early walkin... Read More

Truth or Myth: Chicken Soup Can Actually Soothe Cold Infection!


It is usually said that having a bowl of warm chicken soup can actually soothe cold and cough infection! But then, believers in modern medicine generally don’t take home remedies too seriously. To your surprise, at times, some home remedies can prove their merit ... Read More

Truth or Myth: A Special Diet Plan is a Must for Weight Loss!


There are so many views and estimations about losing weight that it becomes a real challenge to sort a fact from fiction. When anyone wants to lose weight, the first thing s/he is advised is to follow a “special diet plan”. Drafted especially for the weight-watchers... Read More

Here's How Diabetes Can Affect Your Sex Life


Do you know that diabetes is responsible for several health issues including sexual difficulties in both, men and women? Knowing how your blood sugar level can affect your sex life will motivate you to keep a close watch on how your diabetes is progressing. Here ar... Read More

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