Let's Talk Depression And Ways To Deal With It
Depression is a leading contributor to the global burden of diseases worldwide. This suggests how important it is to encourage awareness about depression. Ironically, depression causes so much suffering, yet it remains surrounded by myths and misconceptions. There is a lot more than constant anxiety, restlessness, and indecisiveness that mark this serious mood disorder.
Let's talk about depression in detail...
Who gets affected by depression?

Depression is common in older people and is often associated with their physical conditions. The incidence of depression can also be traced to children as young as 6-11 years old. Depression is also common in women following childbirth. It affects 1 in 6 women who have given birth.
How does depression affect people?

Patients suffering from depression experience double burdens of distress and ridicule. Depression affects a person’s ability to carry out their everyday tasks and can have devastating consequences on their relationships with family and friends.
Fortunately, depression is a diagnosable condition that can be prevented and treated with therapy, antidepressant medication, or a combination of both.
What to do if you feel depressed?

There's more you can do to overcome depression, such as:
- Seek professional help in case the symptoms persist for more than two weeks.
- Talk about your feelings to someone you trust, and stay connected with family and friends.
- Try to involve yourself in the activities that make you happy.
- Exercise regularly, even if it’s just a short walk.
- Avoid or restrict alcohol intake and refrain from using illicit drugs; they can worsen depression.
How can you help someone with depression?

To help someone struggling with depression:
- Be patient with them. Listen to them without judgment, and offer support.
- Encourage them to participate in social activities.
- If they are thinking about self-harm, or have already intentionally harmed themselves, do not leave them alone. Seek further help from healthcare professionals and accompany them to their medical appointments.
- If your child is suffering from depression, protect her/him from excessive stress and pay particular attention to their well-being.
- Do not forget yourself while helping them. Try to find ways to relax and continue doing things that you enjoy.
Here's a takeaway

It can be appalling when people look at you like you are suffering from some contagious disease; but always remember that like everything else, depression too has a cure. Take a cue from our favorite celebrities, Deepika Padukone, Anushka Sharma, and Yo Yo Honey Singh, to name a few. These stars talked openly about their rough battle against depression. If you too somewhere feeling not so usual and think it’s depressing, don’t hesitate. Just talk it out maybe either to a friend or family or anyone with whom you feel like mind.
Just remember that there is nothing wrong with being diagnosed with depression. Things go wrong only when you suppress your inner struggles. So, come out of it, and let’s talk!
For any queries related to depression, Consult a Psychiatrist now.
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