Know All About Carnivore Diet

Know All About Carnivore Diet

Have you heard about the carnivore diet, well you can probably guess what it’s all about. As the name suggests, the carnivore diet focuses on meat and animal products. The diet has been endorsed by many athletes and celebrities for its positive effects on weight.Letâ€... Read More

5 High-Protein and High-Fiber Dinner Recipes

5 High-Protein and High-Fiber Dinner Recipes

For a healthy and fit you, start eating a diet rich in fiber and protein. Several studies and research claim that fiber-rich foods are good for our gut health while protein helps to form new cells, tissues, and other bodily chemicals thus playing an integral part in bui... Read More

5 Immunity-Boosting Recipes That You Must Try

5 Immunity-Boosting Recipes That You Must Try

The onset of the monsoon season brings much relief from the scorching summer heat. The drizzles of rain have a soothing effect on our minds as well as a cooling and comforting impact on the body. We all feel like splashing and stamping in the pours. But sadly, these ple... Read More

Does Skipping Meals Help to Lose Weight? Find the Facts!

Does Skipping Meals Help to Lose Weight? Find the Facts!

Skipping a meal means lesser calorie intake. Since losing weight is all about creating a calorie deficit in the body, skipping meals restricts calorie intake and forces the body to use stored energy reserves. While on a weight loss regime, this will bring about quick we... Read More

5 Must-Try Summer Delights to Beat the Heat

 5 Must-Try Summer Delights to Beat the Heat

We all know summer comes with heat waves, humidity, and drastic temperature rise, thereby bringing with it a plethora of health issues such as heatstroke, dehydration, heat cramps, fever, headache, dizziness, and weakness. A simple solution to keep yourself safeguarded ... Read More

Beetroot: A Boon to Your Heart, Gut, and Brain Health

Beetroot: A Boon to Your Heart, Gut, and Brain Health

A fond childhood memory for most of us is our mothers coaxing us to eat beetroot. She would then go on to state its numerous benefits and how it makes our blood red. She would devise new ways to feed us beetroot in the form of flatbreads (parathas), pancakes (cheela), j... Read More

Chia Seeds or Flaxseeds: Which Is Better?

Chia Seeds or Flaxseeds: Which Is Better?

When it comes to including healthy food choices in your diet, both chia and flax seeds are highly versatile and simple to include in your meal. These two nutritious powerhouses can be a common addition to cereals, salad dressings, dairy, and smoothies due to their vario... Read More

Know the Benefits of Lentil Water: An Ayurvedic Formula for Optimal Health

Know the Benefits of Lentil Water: An Ayurvedic Formula for Optimal Health

Whether you love it or hate it, you can’t imagine a meal without a bowl of lentils (dal) especially in your growing years if you’re of Indian origin. From the humble green lentil (moong), red lentil (masoor), split pigeon pea (toor), and split chickpeas (chana dal) ... Read More

What is MIND Diet and How it Works to Boost Brain Health?

What is MIND Diet and How it Works to Boost Brain Health?

Does eating a specific food or following a certain diet prevent Alzheimer's disease-related dementia? The answer is yes! Numerous studies have indicated that the aging brain's ability to process thought and memory is influenced by the foods we eat. This blog contains al... Read More

Antibiotic Overuse: Know the Risks and Harmful Effects

Antibiotic Overuse: Know the Risks and Harmful Effects

The development of antibiotics is one of the greatest medical advancements. They are also one of the most commonly used medicines in the world today. Antibiotics are used to ward off bacterial illnesses in humans and animals, either by killing them or by stopping their ... Read More

9 Healthy Eating Tips to Make Festive Feasting Healthy, This Year!

9 Healthy Eating Tips to Make Festive Feasting Healthy, This Year!

Special foods lovingly prepared for family and friends are an essential element of every joyful occasion. People get together over food, and no celebration is complete without it. Is the guilt of overindulgence stopping you from savoring this season festivity? If you wh... Read More

Does the KETO Diet Show Promising Results in Managing Type 2 Diabetes?

Does the KETO Diet Show Promising Results in Managing Type 2 Diabetes?

Lifestyle modification is the cornerstone of diabetes management. Regular exercise, and adequate nutrition, in combination with drug therapy, if required, can significantly improve long-term outcomes. There are several eating patterns or diets that may work for a diabet... Read More

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