Effects of Overpopulation on Our Health

Effects of Overpopulation on Our Health

The global population is growing exponentially at an alarming rate. A nation's overpopulation can have several repercussions. There is a visible strain on resources such as energy, food, and water supply there are additional burdens like the rise of pollution, environme... Read More

How To Protect Children from Tobacco Exposure?

How To Protect Children from Tobacco Exposure?

Secondhand smoke, commonly referred to as environmental tobacco smoke, is the smoke exhaled by smokers from the burning tips of cigars, pipes, and cigarettes. There are over 4,000 compounds in it. Over fifty of these chemicals have been linked to cancer, making many of ... Read More

Yes! Common Cold Can Cause Hearing Loss. Learn Ways to Reverse it

Yes! Common Cold Can Cause Hearing Loss. Learn Ways to Reverse it

An infection of the upper respiratory tract, including the nose, throat, nasal passages, and larynx is commonly known as a cold. Common colds can cause nasal or sinus congestion, which can make your nose feel stuffy. Do you know that the cold can sometimes be the cause ... Read More

What is Water-induced Inflammation and Ways to Reduce It

What is Water-induced Inflammation and Ways to Reduce It

Why don’t my shoes fit? Why I am feeling my finger ring so tight today? Well, It may be due to water retention or water-induced inflammation. Water is essential for life. A large portion of the body is made up of water, which is vital for cell function and life. Witho... Read More

7 Harmful Effects of Climatic Change and How To Avoid the Consequences

7 Harmful Effects of Climatic Change and How To Avoid the Consequences

Technological advancement in the last few decades has gifted us with a variety of manual or automatic gadgets thus making our lives super easy. Whether it is about traveling or business, agriculture or industries, education or communication, or any other field, technolo... Read More

Can Using A Public Toilet Seat Cause an STD? Read The Fact!

Can Using A Public Toilet Seat Cause an STD? Read The Fact!

Making use of a public toilet makes most of us feel uncomfortable. The thought of touching the toilet seat resplendent with creepy germs is enough to make anyone squirm in disgust. Be it at the office, malls, or restaurants, using a public toilet has never been a pleasa... Read More

6 Tricks to Transform Your Walk Into A Calorie-Burning Workout

6 Tricks to Transform Your Walk Into A Calorie-Burning Workout

People often think of rigorous workouts when it comes to working on their waistline. But did you know you can lose a considerable amount of body weight merely by walking? Being a convenient, enjoyable, and low-impact physical activity, walking is one of the most preferr... Read More

5 Good Reasons Why You Should Get Married

5 Good Reasons Why You Should Get Married

Marriage is the foundation for forming a family, which in turn forms the most basic unit of society. We live in a world where the importance of commitment in relationships and marriage is often debated or undervalued. However, besides benefitting society, different rese... Read More

Alcohol and Cancer: Things You Must Know

Alcohol and Cancer: Things You Must Know

Billions of people worldwide drink alcohol to alter their emotional state. People mostly drink to socialize, lower tension and anxiety, and enjoy feelings of exhilaration, relaxation, and disinhibition. Ethanol (often known as ethyl alcohol) is the type of alcohol that ... Read More

Top 10 Things You Can Do To Beat Obesity and Lose Weight

Top 10 Things You Can Do To Beat Obesity and Lose Weight

While those extra kilograms may not seem to be a big deal, they can cost you much more in the long run. Studies reveal that being obese (having a BMI of 30 or more) raises your risk of developing diseases like hypertension, heart problems, bone and joint diseases, diabe... Read More

4 Yoga Asanas to Fight Away Winter Blues or SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

4 Yoga Asanas to Fight Away Winter Blues or SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

With the change in season, some people feel internal disturbances and imbalances in the body that correspond with depressive symptoms known as Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. These mood changes or swings can sometimes turn out to be more serious, affecting how a pe... Read More

Why Should You Choose 'Ask A Doctor (AAD) 24*7' Platform For Online Doctor Consultation?

Why Should You Choose 'Ask A Doctor (AAD) 24*7' Platform For Online Doctor Consultation?

If you feel down with a fever or cold; experience headache or mild skin allergy; or suffer from diarrhea or stomach infection, would you prefer to visit a health care provider or directly to a pharmacist to get medicines? Well, if you choose the latter then it’s not o... Read More

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