For all those working nine-to-six office jobs, the most common excuse for not being physically active is - “no time to exercise.” The reasons for this “no time” include a 9-hour desk job, hectic commuting, and other social commitments. Considering the fast-paced life we lead today, these reasons hold true, but we should invest some time in our health, too! 

Although taking out 40-45mins exclusively for exercise from your time daily can be difficult, you can certainly get physically active in between office hours too. Some simple steps to incorporate into your lifestyle to stay active at a workplace are jotted down for you. Read on…

6 Tried & Tested Tricks to Stay Active at Workplace


#1. Give up on elevators and escalators

It is the least you can do, and it helps immensely on your way to a healthy life. If you take stairs instead of escalators, you will enhance your cardiovascular fitness. So skip lifts, starting today!

#2. Avoid intercom or chat boxes to steal some stride

Instead of discussing projects with colleagues via text, intercom, or e-mail, walk up to their desks and stand while you discuss. This can be a bit time-consuming, but every step counts.  

#3. Stretch it out

Relax your muscles from the stiffness that develops due to prolonged sitting hours. Body-friendly stretches can help you relax your shoulders, arms, hips, and back. Rotating your neck from one side to another and lifting your chin up and down are simple exercises that can relax your neck muscles.

#4. Utilize your break time suitably

Instead of utilizing your breaks to gossip with colleagues at a cafeteria, get outside your office premises to stroll or move around the block briskly to work up some sweat. However, if you plan to do so after the meal, then make sure that you walk at a slow pace.

#5. Stand when you can

As “sitting is the new smoking”, look for opportunities that allow you to stand. If possible, stand while you take calls, or read your emails. Try conducting meetings in the boardroom with no chairs. Such meetings will be more productive as they are more likely to end on time or before, with an increased sense of alertness. 

#6. Start a fitness challenge

You can create a group of like-minded people and start a fitness challenge for a month or a week. For example, drinking 3 liters of water during office hours, or having no fried or bakery products in snack time. Equipment-free fitness exercises such as one-minute plank, standing toe-touching exercises, squats, etc., can also be easily done during work hours. When you commit to taking on a challenge with a group instead of facing challenges alone, you are more motivated to see it through and complete it.


Besides the above things, keep a small water bottle, which you would require to refill often. Use restrooms at locations other than your own floor. Taking these mindful breaks can help a lot to stay active and fit even in a fixed desk job. 

Remember, being active is beneficial for both physical and mental health. Several types of research have also proven that people who exercise regularly have a lower risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.  

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Disclaimer: Information provided on this page is not intended to substitute for proper medical advice provided by your healthcare professional. This is only for informational purposes.

About the Author

Priya Singh

Priya Singh is a professional writer and editor with 13 years of experience in writing/editing health and lifestyle content for diverse verticals such as magazine, newspaper, and digital media.

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