Shweta Khanna is a dental surgeon who has experience in dentistry for more than 13 years. She has been writing innovative medical and healthcare content for the past eight years. She has authored various medical blogs/articles related to dentistry, orthopedics, dermatology, women's health, consumer health articles, and research articles (basic and clinical).

How Does Chronic Stress Affect Your Eye Sight?


Anything that disturbs your body's natural homeostasis creates a response in the body. Natural reactions like stress can be either physical, emotional, mental, visual, or a combination of all of these. Any stress for a long period of time develops series of chemical rea... Read More

Yoga Asanas for Better Balance and Fall Prevention in the Elderly


As we age, balancing becomes more difficult. This is accompanied by a greater risk of osteoporotic fractures and a fear of falling. For this reason, it's crucial to include balancing poses in your training regimen. Asanas (postures) and breathing techniques are used in ... Read More

All You Need to Know About Glaucoma


Glaucoma is an eye condition that damages the nerve connecting the eye to the brain called optic nerve. Imagine an optic nerve like a data cable that emerges from the back of your eyes and carries visual signals to your brain. When this optic nerve is damaged by glaucom... Read More

5 Tips to Help Overcome the Loneliness of Your Aging Parents


Aging is a reality of life that no one can escape. It can be overwhelming to see our parents struggle with ailments associated with old age. Still we fail to do much help as we cannot do anything about certain many medical consequences. However, there are a few things t... Read More

Is It Just an Abdominal Pain or Gallstones Pain?


For most of us, the feeling of uneasiness and cramps in the stomach with abdominal pain is something totally relatable. And, in most cases, it is usually some intestinal infection, indigestion, or overindulgence in food and drinks that leads to such abdominal pain. None... Read More

Difference Between Viral and Bacterial Gastroenteritis


Gastroenteritis or stomach flu is the diarrheal infection and inflammation of the digestive system involving your stomach and intestines. Gastroenteritis might be either viral or bacterial in origin, depending on the cause. Here in this blog, our expert has jotted ... Read More

6 Steps You Can Take To Protect Your Brain


Everyone occasionally has periods of forgetfulness like being unable to find home keys or forgetting your grocery list, especially when life becomes hectic. Even while this may be quite natural, having trouble remembering things might be annoying. Also, it can become di... Read More

7 Natural DIY Masks to Scavenge Your Under-Eye Wrinkles


Have you wondered why the skin around your eyes shows signs of aging first? Well, the skin around our eyes is very thin. Regular squinting and smiling lead to the early development of wrinkles. Since the skin around the eyes is sensitive and delicate it is recommended t... Read More

4 Hand Gestures or Mudras That Can Help to Heal Thyroid


According to Ayurveda, the human body comprises five elements (Panchabhutas) to maintain the flow of life. The elements are Fire, Air, Space, Earth, and Water. Our bodies typically have a perfect balance of these components. However, if any of the element is out of bala... Read More

Can Ovarian Cysts Affect Your Chances of Getting Pregnant? Know the Facts


In ovulating women, ovarian cysts are highly prevalent, but most women won’t even know. Relatively, ovarian cysts are harmless and are a natural part of your reproductive cycle. However, in certain cases, the cyst may indicate an underlying problem that makes concepti... Read More

5 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Primary Care Provider/Physician


A primary care physician (PCP) is a healthcare service provider who practices general medicine and is trained to prevent, diagnose, and treat an array of illnesses and injuries. These medical professionals are said to be the first point of contact in your healthcare nee... Read More

Identify 4 Common Factors That Can Delay Your Menstruation Cycle


Having regular periods on the same date with a similar flow, each month, right around 28 days is a good indicator of your reproductive health. However, if you experience a delay in your each period cycle or any unusual symptoms, then it’s a matter of concern that need... Read More

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