Shweta Khanna is a dental surgeon who has experience in dentistry for more than 13 years. She has been writing innovative medical and healthcare content for the past eight years. She has authored various medical blogs/articles related to dentistry, orthopedics, dermatology, women's health, consumer health articles, and research articles (basic and clinical).

Here's Why Your Gums are So Important to Your Over All Health


Alike our skin, gums are the pink, fleshy supporting tissue inside the mouth that keeps teeth in place. They are a kind of nest and anchoring system that supports and shields your teeth. Gums form a tight seal around the teeth and provide a protective barrier, preventin... Read More

Challenges and Joys of Raising a Child with Down syndrome: Watch Them Blossom and Prosper


Down syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by the presence of an additional chromosome. Chromosomes are little "packages" of genes that control the development and growth of a baby's body during pregnancy and after birth. A newborn usually has 46 chromosomes. In ... Read More

Know All About Vaginal Yeast Infections and Remedies to Prevent it


A vaginal yeast infection also known as vulvovaginal candidiasis is a type of fungal infection. Candida overgrowth is the prime cause of vaginal yeast infections. This condition results in severe itching, discharge, and irritation of the vulva (the skin folds outside th... Read More

Living With Chronic Sinusitis: Know the Causes, Symptoms & Remedies


You must have heard of sinusitis, which refers to inflammation of the sinus cavities (hollow spaces in the bones of the skull). As we breathe, the tiny, hair-like structures and soft mucosal tissue that make up the sinuses moisten and filter the air. If the opening from... Read More

What Happens to Your Body When Cholesterol is High?


High cholesterol is when you have an increased amount of a fatty substance called cholesterol in your blood. Your body requires cholesterol to make hormones, vitamin D, and substances that help you digest foods. However, when there is an accumulation of excess cholester... Read More

Health Outlook 2024: Yearly Predictions for All Zodiac Signs


The zodiac has twelve signs, each of which is associated with unique character traits, aspirations, and attitudes. Are you one of the people who firmly believes in astrology? If you said yes, then surely you would be interested in learning about the impact of stars or p... Read More

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): Identify the Causes, Signs, and Solutions of RA


Have you been dealing with frequent bone aches and sickness for several weeks or even months, and it seems to be getting worse? Do your hands or other joints have frequent cramps and stiffness, particularly in the morning that take hours before loosening up? If you answ... Read More

What is MIND Diet and How it Works to Boost Brain Health?


Does eating a specific food or following a certain diet prevent Alzheimer's disease-related dementia? The answer is yes! Numerous studies have indicated that the aging brain's ability to process thought and memory is influenced by the foods we eat. This blog contains al... Read More

Know 5 Facts About People with Disabilities and Learn Ways to Be More Inclusive


Disabled people are the world’s largest minority as disability transcends across gender, geography, religion, race, color, and other such boundaries. Disability is a multifaceted, intricate problem that can encompass physical, cognitive, and psychological impairments.... Read More

10 Skin-Care Resolutions Dermatologists Want You to Make in 2024


Skin is the largest organ in our body. It serves as our initial line of protection against allergens and irritants, so it's vital to keep our skin healthy. Our skin is designed to naturally shed dead cells every 28 days. You can help remove these dead cells and keep you... Read More

Why is Constipation More Prevalent in Winter and How to Deal With It?


Having a regular and smooth bowel movement is a critical part of digesting the food we eat. The large intestine produces stool, which is the body's method of eliminating waste. However, when an infrequent bowel movement occurs it leads to constipation. When there are le... Read More

4 Yoga Asanas to Fight Away Winter Blues or SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)


With the change in season, some people feel internal disturbances and imbalances in the body that correspond with depressive symptoms known as Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. These mood changes or swings can sometimes turn out to be more serious, affecting how a pe... Read More

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