When it comes to skin care, Ayurveda believes in holistic healing process. This is why it provides entire process from topical herbal treatments to suggestions for lifestyle changes, so as to ensure your skin gets healthy and flawless, from inside-out.

Here in this write-up, our expert has thrown light on the benefits of 9 herbs and how they defend your skin from injurious effects of free radicals and helps avoids the formation of acne. Apart from this, you can also choose any of the two easy to use remedial recipes to clear clean your skin not only from pimple and acne but any type of facial scar. Read on.

2 DIY Remedial Recipes That You Must Try 

  • Grind a mixture of coriander seeds, fennel, basil, turmeric, and amla in equivalent parts. All these seeds and sages are packed with antioxidants that kill irritation beneath the skin. Take half a teaspoon of this powder mixed with lukewarm water 15 minutes before lunch and dinner. 

  • Apply a combination of sandalwood paste, turmeric and rosewater on affected skin every day. Leave it on for thirty minutes and rinse it off with cool water.

9 Herbs That Help Heal Facial Skin Scar

1. Aloe vera

It  is a wonderful herb which helps in reducing scars, dryness, acne spots, dull skin, redness and other skin problems. According to research studies, aloe vera plant leaves contains numerous vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, natural sugars and other bioactive compounds with emollient, purgative, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, aphrodisiac, anti-helmenthic, antifungal, antiseptic properties. This is why it helps to  cure acne and give a youthful glow to skin.

2. Amla

It is known as an elixir for your skin and eliminates excess sebum and acne producing bacteria, and avoids scars. Make a thick paste of amla and apply it on your face at the affected area. Rinse it off after 15-20 minutes.

3. Basil or tulsi 

It is known to be sacred in Ayurveda for its delightful curative goods and is one of the finest herbs to treat acne, pimples and stains naturally. Crush some clean and fresh tulsi leaves, take out its liquid and massage it on your face. Let the face grip the juice of 15-20 minutes and rinse off with clean water.

4. Cucumber 

It is used as a remedy for any kind of skin problems. It has anti-inflammatory properties that smoothens the skin and helps in reducing the scars on the skin. Grate cucumber and remove juice of it. Apply it on the scars and leave it for 15-20 minutes and wash it with normal water. This if done regularly for a month, it would give good results. 

5. Honey

It is an astounding natural element with incredible benefits, and the treatment of acne and pimples is one of them. Rub on a few drops of pure honey on the acne or the scars and rinse off after 5-10 minutes. Apply regularly for best results.

6. Lemon juice 

Squeeze into a bowl and mixed with few drops of rose water is a good remedy for scars. Apply this on the acne scars with the help of a brush or cotton ball for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse it with cool water. 

7. Neem leaves

Neem leaves are the perfect and greatest Ayurvedic medicine for treating pimples and acne. Apply neem paste (with rosewater) on the affected area, leave it on until dry, wash with water and pat dry. Make this neem leaf paste by baking and crushing 10 tender leaves. 

8. Raisins 

Raisins are a very good cooling agent and blood cleanser. Take 30-40 small raisins, immerse them in water overnight. Crush them and take them in the morning on empty stomach for 2-3 months regularly.

9. Turmeric 

It is an antiseptic and anti-fungal Ayurvedic remedy to avoid bacterial breakouts and pimples. It is also anti-allergic and cleans toxins from the pores. Make a paste of turmeric powder with ‘Rosewater’ and apply it on the skin. When dry, wash off and pat dry. You can substitute rosewater with honey for dry skin.

With all what nature has to offer for our benefit, it is up to us to show some TLC (tender love and care) towards our skin.

For any further information, you can consult one of our Ayurvedic specialists anytime, from anywhere per your convenience! 

About the Author

Dr. Nagamani N G

Dr. Nagamani N G is a general physician with more than 8 years of clinical experience. She regularly keeps herself medically updated by pursuing continuing medical education, she is currently pursuing specialization in Diabetes. She has valuable experience in consulting patients online. She likes to consult patients presenting with skin and diabetes related problems. She has contributed to medical writing by answering thousands of patient’s queries. Many educational blogs have been published in her name.

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