Bones are made up of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, which are present in certain amounts. The measurement of these bone minerals is called the bone density test. This test helps us to find out if the bone is normal in strength or osteoporotic. It can also predict the chances of fractures in the future. 

As we age, we gradually tend to lose our bone density. Most commonly it affects women going through menopause due to reduced estrogen levels. Here in this blog, we help you learn about 8 simple yet effective ways to improve your bone health naturally. But before divulging into the natural remedies for bone health, know about the people who are most commonly prescribed for bone density tests.

Who Should Get Bone Density Test or DEXA scan?

Bone density test is primarily prescribed to:

  • Women who are above 65 years and men who are above 70 years of age.
  • Patients who have had fractures after 50 years of age.
  • Family history of frequent fractures.
  • Co-morbidities such as diabetes, thyroid or rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
  • History of early menopause
  • Medicine history of corticosteroids, thyroid hormones, etc.

Scoring of the Bone density test is given as T-score and Z-score. It is called T-score when the score is compared to a healthy young woman and it is called Z-score when the score is compared with other people of the same gender, age, and race.

In both the scores:
  • - and above means normal bones. 
  • -1 to -2.5 means you are having bone loss (osteopenia)
  • Less than -2.5 means you have the porous type of bones called osteoporosis.

Treatment for managing bone loss or osteoporosis

For managing bone loss, doctors mostly prescribe bisphosphonates injections in both men and women, and the dose is decided as per the need. Alongside the medications, maintaining a healthy lifestyle plays a vital role in reducing the degree of bone loss.

8 Things You Can Do to Increase Bone Density Naturally

Inculcate these habits in your daily lifestyle to improve your bone density naturally:

1. Exercise daily 

Being active, walking. Jogging, weight lifting, and muscle strengthening exercises help calcium absorption and prevent bone loss.

2. Cut your salt intake

Salt promotes bone loss. So do not take in more than 2.5 grams of salt per day. Avoid canned salted food for better bone health.

3. Get more green veggies

Greens such as spinach, broccoli, okra, beetroot, green beans, etc. are very good sources of calcium. Include these regularly in your platter to improve your calcium level in the body.

4. Eat calcium-rich foods rich

Dairy products like low-fat milk, curds, yogurt, and cheese are rich in calcium. With these, beans too are rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphates, fiber, and other micro and macronutrients. Eat a handful of overnight-soaked beans every alternate day to improve bone health.

5. Fill your plate with fruits

Pineapples, oranges, bananas, grapefruit, etc. are rich in vitamin C which helps in the absorption of calcium. Make sure to have at least a bowl of these fruits every day.

6. Eat fish

Sardines, salmon (with bones), and mackerel are rich source of calcium and vitamin D and these also helps in the absorption of calcium.

7. Limit caffeine

Coffee/Tea prevents the absorption of calcium. So limit the number to 2 to 3 cups per day maximum.

8. Say no to smoking and drinking alcohol

Smoking and drinking alcohol or soft beverages causes bone loss. So saying a complete is the best move to control bone loss. In case of an urge for alcohol, stick to 2 to 3 drinks per day, maximum.

Remember, too less protein intake causes a deficiency of calcium intake by the bones. While too much protein can cause bone loss. So protein which is available in the form of cuts, curds, etc. is a better way to get calcium naturally. For any further doubts concerning your bone health, talk to our Orthopedic Specialist today.

About the Author

Dr. Kampana S

Dr. Kampana S is a medical graduate with experience of more than 5 years as a consulting physician. Her areas of interest include geriatrics and family medicine. She is an avid medical writer and an active contributor to online/digital health platforms.

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