As human beings, we all experience various kinds of emotions every day. They are an integral part of our life. Some are good and really allow us to thrive in our life, and some are not so good, and hence affects us negatively. It is important to know that the emotional well-being of a person attributes greatly to his or her health. Hence, it becomes vital to take care of our emotions and to keep them in check regularly. 

How do we become aware of them? How do we then handle our emotions? What can we do to have a better and stable emotional state of mind? Let us discuss them here briefly. 
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Firstly, we need to know about the different kinds of emotions, which most of us are already aware of. There are positive emotions like love, self-pride, kindness, etc. There are negative emotions like anger, fear, sadness, disgust, jealousy, and so on. Some other emotions are strong like depression, response to grief, anxiety, rage, etc.

Emotions shape our behavior. They are contagious too. Prolonged emotions can lead to many psychosomatic diseases like diabetes and hypertension. Emotions are also very important because when it is in excess they may lead to aggression and violence, running away from home, abuse of alcohol and other substances, high-risk behavior like gambling, reckless driving, sexual promiscuity, anti-social behavior, accident proneness, foolish decisions, etc.

All emotions originate in the limbic system of the brain. Neurotransmitters or chemicals in our brain like dopamine, serotonin, GABA, etc., strongly influence and control our emotional responses. Decreased dopamine results in depression and suicidal attempts. Adrenaline gives rise to expressions of anger and fear or what we commonly call a ‘fight or flight response’. Now the question arises that how to become aware and handle our emotions in the right manner? Keep reading to know and understand the trick...

Here are 7 Easy Steps to Improve Your Emotional Wellbeing:

Practice introspection

We should know our assets and limitations. Assets help us to improve our self-confidence and limitations help us to plan our strategy. We should learn to accept and live with both of them.

Say no to negative thinking 

We should not anticipate failures unnecessarily, nor under-estimate our abilities. We should remove all negative thoughts, vibes, and negative people from our lives because they play unhealthy mind games. They are not good for our own mental well-being.

Give up inferiority complex 

Do not compare yourself with others. Our target is to grow and work better for ourselves, better than we did yesterday. It is healthy to be our own competitor. 

Learn to better use of available resources 

Look at your time, money, and materials. Plan to make better use of them. Enjoy your own time with them and become more productive. You will get qualitative and satisfying results when you enjoy what you have; and have a passion for what you do, with all that you have.

Get support from others  

There is nothing wrong with asking for help, especially when we are confused or when we do not know the right direction. Share your thoughts and emotions, ideas, and goals with your well-wishers, and someone you love and respect.

Learn to relax 

It is one of the best medicines for de-stressing. Get adequate sleep, spend 40 to 60 minutes a day doing activities you like; break the monotony, do simple breathing exercises, and keep your immediate environment clean, tidy, attractive, and pleasing to you, so that you feel comfortable. 

Have faith in God, the almighty 

Try to make prayer and meditation an integral part of your life. Always hope for the best and trust God.

Do take care of your emotional health to live healthy and happy inside-out. Cheers to a better and happy you!

If you have any other query regarding how to stay emotionally well, consult a Psychologist now!

About the Author

Dr. Shanthi Elavazagan

Dr. Shanthi Elavazagan is an experienced general physician with over 16 years of experience. She has done her MBBS from M. S. Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore. Additionally, she has done a certificate course in Sexual and Reproductive Health from WHO, Geneva. She has a special certificate qualification on Addiction Medicine from NIMHANS, Bangalore. She is currently working with the Karnataka state government, department of health and family welfare, as an administrative medical officer at Primary Health Center, Kodihalli, Hassan. She is an author, blogger, human rights activist, and a doctorpreneur.

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