According to Ayurveda, the human body comprises five elements (Panchabhutas) to maintain the flow of life. The elements are Fire, Air, Space, Earth, and Water. Our bodies typically have a perfect balance of these components. However, if any of the element is out of balance, it might result in negative effects on the body. The fingers of our hand also represent the five elements of Panchabhutas and yoga mudras help in correcting the body's imbalance. Hence by relocating the fingers through yoga techniques, we can re-establish the body’s elemental balance and the flow of energy to promote overall health and well-being.

Here in this blog, our expert discusses 4 yoga mudras that are known to help manage thyroid symptoms. Read on to learn how to perform these yoga mudras and also find out their exclusive benefits. 

Yoga Mudras for Thyroid Problems

1) Surya Mudra

Surya mudra is an energy-booster mudra that boosts the body's 'Sun' energy.

How to do it?

  • Sit comfortably, keeping your shoulders loose and your spine straight.
  • Your ring finger should bend to contact the base of your thumb while the remaining fingers may remain straight. 
  • While keeping the other fingers extended, use your thumb to gently press the middle finger downward and feel the pressure.
  • Breathe slowly and deeply through your nose, then exhale slowly through your mouth.
  • Focusing on your breath and the feelings in your body, hold the mudra for five to fifteen minutes.
  • Do the mudra two or three times daily.


  • Stimulate thyroid and parathyroid gland 
  • Stimulate the digestive system 
  • Help in lowering blood sugar levels
  • Reduce stomach problems like indigestion, constipation, acidity, etc.
  • Improve metabolism 
  • Aid in weight loss
  • Reduce water retention and excess swelling

2) Udana Mudra

Udana mudra is an upward-flying gesture in which the motion of energy flow is in the throat and facial area.

How to do it?

  • Sit comfortably in a normal meditation position.
  • Touch the tips of the index finger, middle finger, and ring finger together with the thumb tip while keeping the little finger.
  • Place the little finger straight and relaxed.
  • Breathe and focus on your breath and the feelings in your body, hold the mudra for five to fifteen minutes.
  • Do the mudra two or three times daily.


  • Stimulate the thyroid gland 
  • Restore respiratory functions
  • Relieve depression
  • Bring a sense of joy and makes the body light
  • Promote spiritual growth
  • Improve speech problems
  • Throat and voice become clear

3) Shankh Mudra

Practicing shankha mudra helps neutralize the harmful impacts of outside forces.

How to do it?

  • Sit comfortably in a normal meditation position with your spine straight.
  • Touch the tip of the left thumb to the base of the right thumb, and fold the fingers of the right hand encircling the left thumb.
  • Keep the fingers of the left hand together and let their tips touch the tip of the right thumb. 
  • Bring your hands near your heart while taking slow and deep breaths.
  • Hold the mudra at least for fifteen minutes.


  • Activate the thyroid gland 
  • Positive effect on respiratory functions
  • Cure tonsillitis and throat infections
  • Cure skin disease
  • Improve speech problems

4) Shunya Mudra

Shunya mudra reduces the space elements in our bodies. It has healing properties and is helpful in hyperthyroidism. 

How to do it?

  • Sit comfortably with your back straight, your head forward, and your hands on your laps.
  • Bend your middle finger to touch the base of your thumb.
  • Straighten out the other three fingers.
  • Start off practicing for 10 minutes each day and work your way up to 45 minutes over time.


  • Helpful in hyperthyroidism
  • Relieve insomnia
  • Increase blood circulation
  • Help with ear disease

Hence, mudra therapy is an ancient discipline that links the body's energy flow. Mudra refers to hand positions used for the enhancement of one's physical, mental, and emotional welfare. Overall, mudras can be a helpful complementary therapy for thyroid problems. In order to observe effects, mudras should be used consistently and frequently.

Note: The information provided above is only educational and informative in nature and not meant to be a replacement for expert medical guidance, diagnosis, or care. For thyroid-related disorders, it is crucial to collaborate with your healthcare practitioner.

You can seek further help on hand gestures and related topics from our Sports Medicine Specialist @Ask a Doctor-24X7.

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About the Author

Dr. Shweta Khanna

Shweta Khanna is a dental surgeon who has experience in dentistry for more than 13 years. She has been writing innovative medical and healthcare content for the past eight years. She has authored various medical blogs/articles related to dentistry, orthopedics, dermatology, women's health, consumer health articles, and research articles (basic and clinical).

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